ヒマラヤ - 7000m以上の山々 - *
* Set up | 2008/4/1 |
* Updated | 2024/12/5 |
+ | トップページ | 目 次 | 凡 例 | ヒマラヤ | 序 | 後 記 | 附 録 | 参 考 文 献 | + | ||||||||||||||
+ | [Top Page] | * | [Site Map] | * | [Remarks] | * | [Himalaya] | * | [Preface] | * | [Afterword] | * | [Appendix] | * | [References] | + | |||||||
++ | *What's New | HIMA | KARA | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Ref | Map | ++ |
ヒマラヤ - 7000m以上の山々 - |
●参考地図目録 Reference of Maps
** | ********* | *** | ********* | ** |
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
●地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
'Kanchenjunga Himal and Yalung Glacier', Tomoya Iozawa (1981)
(五百沢81 付図)
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7823q.ct003388/ ] で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
『喀喇崑崙山衛星影像略図 (Figure the sketch map of landsat Image in the
Karakorum mountains)』
(Scale 1/500, 000) 蘭州冰川凍土研究所編, 科学出版社(1988)
『曲水県地図』 (Scale 1/100, 000)西藏自治区曲水県人民政府主办、西藏自治区測絵局編絵 (1987)
"Himal Chuli" (Scale 1: 50, 000) 慶應義塾体育会山岳部発行
(『登高行16号 (1964)』 付図。縮小版が五百沢2007, p58-59に転載)
*『登高行16号』, p163-164に大森弘一郎氏による地図解説あり
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/item/gm71002481 ] で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7820.ct003405/ ] で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
(西蔵圖, Fuchs37付図)
皇輿全覧図1719m (Fuchs43m) |
** | Fuchs43m-10 "Hami-Gas (哈密噶思圖)" Fuchs43m-11 "Dsungarei-Tienschan-Kaschgar (雜旺阿尓布灘圖)" Fuchs43m-12 "Jangtze-Mekong-Salween-Oberlauf (金沙瀾滄等江源圖)" Fuchs43m-13 "Lhasa (拉蔵圖)" Fuchs43m-14 "Brahmaputra-Oberlauf (牙魯藏布江圖)" Fuchs43m-15 "Kailas-Gebirge (岡底斯阿林圖)" Fuchs43m-17 "Yalung (Alt)" Fuchs43m-18 "Jangtze-Mekong-Salween-Oberlauf (Alt)" Fuchs43m-19 "Hami (Alt)" Fuchs43m-35 "Yünnan (雲南全圖)" |
(これらの地図はFuchs43の付録地図として収録) | |
これらの地図はアメリカ議会図書館のHP [URL: http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g7820m.gct00265 ] で公開されている(2021.10現在)。 |
『中央亜細亜地図・第十二集』 黒龍会編 (1908-1910)
(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として収録)
『貢嘎山冰川図』 (Scale 1/25, 000) 蘭州冰川凍土研究所・青蔵高原総合科学考察隊測制, 地図出版社 (1985)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
「Sketch Map of the Shimshal River and the Shimshal Pass ; The west Karakorum of Pakistan」
(酒田ヒマラヤ研究会84 付録地図)
"タシケント" (Scale 1/2, 500, 000) 二百五十万分一 中「ソ」欧「ソ」輿地圖八號、参謀本部
『四川州縣建置沿革圖説』任乃強、任新建 著, 巴蜀書社, 成都 (2002)
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7823s.ct003387/ ] で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7823x.ct002501/ ] で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
『二百万分一 靑海省素圖 (第一校卵白版)』 陸地測量部・参謀本部 (1943)
『青海省地図』 (Scale 1/3, 500,000) 中国地図出版社編 (1994)
(ほぼ同じ図が中華人民共和国地図集84m, 44にも収録)
『青海省地図』 (Scale 1/1, 300,000) 星球地図出版社, 北京 (2007)
『西蔵自治区地図』 (Scale 1/2, 000, 000) 星球地図出版社, 北京 (2007)
『四川省地図』 (Scale 1/1, 250, 000) 星球地図出版社, 北京 (2009)
『青蔵高原山峰図』 (Scale 1/2, 500, 000) 中国登山協会・中国測量製図局編,
信毎書籍出版センター (1989)
『青蔵高原自然景観図』 (Scale 1/3, 000, 000) 中国科学院地理研究所編, 科学出版社
『青蔵高原地図』 (Scale 1/3, 000, 000) 中国科学院地理研究所編制, 地図出版社 (1979)
『西蔵自治区交通図』 (Scale 1/2, 200, 000) 西蔵自治区測絵局編制, 成都地図出版社
『中國西蔵旅游圖』 (Scale 1/3, 000, 000) 西蔵自治区測絵局編制, 成都地圖出版社
『西蔵自治区地図』 (Scale 1/4, 500, 000) 中国地図出版社編 (1995)
(ほぼ同じ図が中華人民共和国地図集84m, 61にも収録)
『西蔵自治区地図冊』 中国地図出版社 (2005)
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7823t.ct003617/ ] で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
『西蔵全図 附西蔵印度通道図』 鐡嶺世増譯名并校定 (光緒30年 = 1904), КАРТОГРАФИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАВЕДНИЕ, А. ИЛЬИНА ВЪ С. ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ
胡惟徳(1863-1933)は、浙江省歸安(現在は呉興県)出身の政治家で、1904年当時は駐ロシア( = 駐俄使) 公使を務めていたという。刊記によると、この地図は法国人(=フランス人)竇脱勒依(Dutreil
de Rhinsか?)作成のTibet Map(編者未見[<-- その後の調査でこの地図はDutreuil de Rhins1889m-1, 1889m-2を中国語に翻訳したものと判明])を翻訳したものだという(房2015, p19-20に解説がある)。標高は「蘇州号碼」(中国でかつて使用されていた算用数字)で表記されている。
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)の次のURL [ https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7823t.ct002023/ ]で公開されている(2022年7月現在)。
『西蔵全図 附西蔵印度通道図』 鐡嶺世増譯名并校定, 陸地測量部, 明治四十一年二月製版
『西藏地方詳圖』 張庚金編繪, 葛綏成校訂, 中華書局, 民國二十八年 (1939)
この地図は京都大学 人文科学研究所のHP [URL: http://kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/db-machine/imgsrv/maps/ ]で公開されている(2022/7月現在)。
『シルクロード詳図 - 蘭州からアラル海まで - 』(Scale 1/2, 000, 000) 関口精一, 長谷川印刷 (1982)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
『達孜图』 (Scale 1/75, 000)達孜県人民政府主編 (?(1958~1987の間))
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 1 東部・コシ地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 230号 (67-1)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 2 東部・コシ地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 231号 (67-2)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 3 中部・コシ - ガンダキ地域」
地形図研究グループ (1967)
(『岳人 232号 (67-3)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 4 中部・ガンダキ地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 233号 (67-4)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 5 西部・ガンダキ - カルナリ地域」
地形図研究グループ (1967)
(『岳人 234号 (67-5)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 6 西部・カルナリ地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 235号 (67-6)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 7 西部・カルナリ地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 237号 (67-7)』 折込地図)
「ネパールヒマラヤ 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 8 西部・カルナリ地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 238号 (67-8)』 折込地図)
「カラコルム 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 1 東部 シアチェン,リモ氷河地域」
地形図研究グループ (1967)
(『岳人 239号 (67-9)』 折込地図)
「カラコルム 1: 250, 000 シリーズ No. 2 東部 バルトロ,シアチェン氷河地域」
地形図研究グループ (1967)
(『岳人 240号 (67-10)』 折込地図)
「カラコルム 1: 250,000 シリーズ No. 3 西部 ヒスパー,ビアフォ,チョゴ・ルンマ氷河地域」 地形図研究グループ (1967)
(『岳人 242号 (67-11)』 折込地図)
「カラコルム 1: 250,000 シリーズ No. 4 西部バツウラ氷河地域」 地形図研究グループ
(『岳人 243号 (67-12)』 折込地図)
『中國西南邊疆図圖』 (Scale 1: 5 000 000) 中華人民共和國外交部 1960年6月
『中華人民共和国地形図』(Scale 1: 4, 000, 000) 中国地図出版社(河北版) (2007)
『中華人民共和国地図集』 地図出版社, 北京 (1984)
『中華民國地圖集 (第二冊:中亞大陸邊疆)』 張其昀主編, 國防部研究院印行, 台湾 (1960)
E2: 「西藏地形圖」(1: 4,200,000)
E3: 「雅魯藏布江流域圖」(1: 1,500,000)
E4: 「西部西藏圖」(1: 1,500,000)
E10: 「新疆地形圖」(1: 5,000,000)
E11: 「北部新疆圖」(1: 2,800,000)
E12: 「南部新疆圖」(1: 2,800,000)
E13: 「帕米爾圖」(1: 1,600,000)
『中華民國地圖集 (第四冊:中國南部)』 張其昀主編, 國防部研究院印行, 台湾 (1962)
C25/C26: 「雲南地形圖」(1: 2,500,000)
C29/C30: 「西康地形圖」(1: 2,500,000)
C31/C32: 「西康人文圖」(1: 2,500,000)
C33/C34: 「四川地形圖」(1: 2,000,000)
D35: 「靑海地形圖」(1: 4,000,000)
D36: 「靑海人文圖」(1: 4,000,000)
中国-1/100万地形図 "中国 1: 1, 000, 000 地図", (Scale 1/1, 000, 000)国家測絵局編制, 中国地図出版社出版 (1997) |
** | G-45-97m '亞東 / YADONG' G-46-97m '錯那 / CONA' H-44-97m '普蘭 / BURANG' H-45-97m '日喀則 / XIGAZE' H-46-97m '拉薩 / LHASA' H-47-97m '昌都 / QAM DO' H-48-97m '成都 / CHENGDU' I-43-97m '喬戈里峰 / Qogir Feng' I-44-97m '噶尓 / GAR' I-45-97m '改則 / GERZE' I-46-97m '安多 / AMDO' I-47-97m '玉樹 / YUSHU' J-43-97m '喀什 / KASHI' J-44-97m '和田 / HOTAN' J-45-97m '且末 / QIEMO' J-46-97m '格尓木 / GOL MUD' K-44-97m '伊寧 / YINING' |
『中国山峰一覧図』 (Scale 1/5, 500, 000) 中国登山協会・中国測量製図局編, 信毎書籍出版センター (1989)
『中国冰雪凍土図』 (Scale 1/4, 000, 000) 中国科学院蘭州冰川凍土研究所編,
中国地図出版社, 北京 (1988)
『珠穆朗瑪峰地区図』 (Scale 1/50, 000) 蘭州冰川凍土沙漠研究所・西蔵科学考察隊編,
上海中華印刷廠 (1977)
『定日県地図』 (Scale 1/240, 000) 西蔵自治区測絵局・成都地図出版社 編制, 成都地図出版社印刷 (1989)
(同志社大学カント峰登山隊89, 添付地図)
『塔克拉瑪干沙漠風沙地貌図』 (Scale 1/1, 500, 000) 蘭州沙漠研究所編, 地図出版社,
北京 (1980)
第2次印刷 (1990)
『徳欽県地図』 (Scale 1/200, 000)徳欽県地名办公室、雲南省測絵局編印 (1987)
『当雄県地図』 (Scale 1/200, 000)西藏自治区当雄県人民政府主办、西藏自治区測絵局編絵 (1987)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
『南迦巴瓦峰登山図』 (Scale 1/50, 000) 中国登山協会・中国測量製図局編,
信毎書籍出版センター (1989)
尼中边界条約附图61m | |
** | - 附圖一甲 "尼中邊界全綫圖(西段部份)" (Scale 1: 500000) - 附圖ニ "尼中邊界柏林山口至那爾康卡地區詳圖" (Scale 1: 50000) - 附圖三 "尼中邊界6214,1米高地至恰克洛地區詳圖" (Scale 1: 50000) - 附圖四 "尼中邊界格牙山口至塔普勒山口地區詳圖" (Scale 1: 50000) - 附圖五 "尼中邊界央然康日至曲松多地區詳圖" (Scale 1: 50000) - 附圖六 "尼中邊界却莫巴馬熱至聶魯橋地區詳圖" (Scale 1: 50000) - 附圖七 "尼中邊界波底山口至惹嘎拉山口地區詳圖" (Scale 1: 50000) - 附圖一乙"尼中邊界全綫圖(東段部份)" (Scale 1: 500000) |
『尼木県地図』 (Scale 1/100, 000)西藏自治区尼木県人民政府主办、西藏自治区測絵局編絵 (1987?)
「Mt. MANASLU」 (Scale 1/50, 000)
(日本山岳会58, 添付地図)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
『巴托拉冰川図』 (Scale 1/60, 000) 中国科学院蘭州冰川凍土沙漠研究所編 (1978)
「ハリ・ラム 1885~86年 (エヴェレスト一周)」
(Burrard "Exploration in Tibet and Neighbouring Regions", Survey
of India, 1915, pl. No. 21)
(薬師2006, p226-227に転載)
「日本人の踏査路 1899・1 - 1966・3 (Route Map by the Japanese in Nepal 1899-1966)」
(日高67, 添付地図)
『喜馬拉雅山冰川資源図』 (Scale 1/500, 000) 秦大河: 主編 (中国科学院蘭州冰川凍土研究所),
科学出版社 (1999)
『標準大東亞分圖・インド東部』(Scale 1/450, 000), 編纂・製図:芹澤謦吾、発行者:株式会社 統正社 (1943)
「南東チベット - South - Eastern Tibet - 」
(ベイリイ68, 巻末付録)
『墨竹工卡県地図』 (Scale 1/100, 000)西藏自治区墨竹工卡県人民政府主办、西藏自治区測絵局編制 (1987)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
「東部ヒンズー・クシュ3色刷地図①」 (Scale 1/20, 000) 宮森常雄
(『岩と雪30号』 折込地図) (1973)
「バルトロ氷河10万分の1」 宮森常雄
(『山岳年鑑88』 折込地図) (1988)
宮森2001m (宮森常雄 『カラコルム・ヒンズークシュ登山地図 No. 1~No. 13』 ナカニシヤ出版 (2001)) |
** | 2001m-1 "EASTERN HINDU-KUSH & TIRICH MIR" (Scale 1/150, 000)
(No. 1) 2001m-2 "SOUTHEN HINDU-RAJ & CHITRAL" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 2) 2001m-3 "EASTERN HINDU-KUSH & MASTUJ" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 3) 2001m-4 "EASTERN HINDU-RAJ & YASIN" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 4) 2001m-5 "BUTURA GLACIER & HUNZA" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 5) 2001m-6 "NANGA PALBAT & GILGIT" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 6) 2001m-7 "HISPAR GLACIER & SHIMSHAL" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 7) 2001m-8 "BIAFO GLACIER & SKARDU" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 8) 2001m-9 "INSGAITI GALCIER" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 9) 2001m-10 "BALTORO GLACIER & KHAPULU (KUHAPALU)" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 10) 2001m-11 "SIACHEN & RIMO GLACIER" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 11) 2001m-12 "NUBRA & SHYOK RIVER & SASER KANGRI" (Scale 1/150, 000) (No. 12) 2001m-13 "BALTORO GLACIER 詳細図" (Scale 1/75, 000) (No. 13) |
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
「ヒンズー・クシュ概念図 - Hindu Kush Range and its Adjacent Regions -」 吉沢一郎
(ノルウェー隊68, 巻末付録)
「ヒマラヤ」 吉沢一郎作図
(『世界山岳百科事典』 山と渓谷社 (1971) 付録)
「パミールとその周辺」 吉沢一郎作図
(『世界山岳百科事典』 山と渓谷社 (1971) 付録)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
『拉薩市政区图』 (Scale 1/300, 000) (?(1951~2008の間))
『托木尓峰区冰川地貌図』 (Scale 1/200, 000) 中国科学院蘭州冰川凍土研究所編成出版,
上海中華印刷所印刷 (1980)
"MOUNT QOMLANGMA (SAGARMATHA)" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute
of Glaciology and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1991)
"K2 (Mount Qogori)" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1994?)
"Mount Xixabangma" (Scale 1/ 100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1994?)
"Kungur Tagh - Muztag Ata" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute
of Glaciology and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1994?)
"Kangrinboqe" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1997)
"Naimona'nyi" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1997)
"Noijinkangsang" (Scale 1/50, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社(Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1997)
"Namjagbarwa" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (1997)
"Kunlun Goddess" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (2001)
"Muz Tag" (Scale 1/100, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (2001)
"Kawagarbo" (Scale 1/50, 000) Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology
and Geocryology,
西安地図出版社 (Xi'an Cartographic Publishing House) (2001)
陸測-1/250-東中ソ | |
*(Scale 1/2, 500, 000) 二百五十万分一東部・中部「ソ」領輿地圖, 参謀本部・陸地測量部 (東亞研究所 翻訳) | |
** | 1/250-東中ソ14-42m "十四號: カラコル" (1942) |
* | |
陸測-1/25-印 *(Scale 1/250, 000) 二十五万分一圖印度 ***[印度測量局 (SOI) 調製1/253, 440 を1/250, 000 に伸写し複写したもの] |
** | 1/25-印42A-42m "ALAI VALLEY" (1942) (<-1925_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印42B-42m "ROSHAN" (1942)(<-1925_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印42C-42m "SHIGHNAN" (1942)(<-1925_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印42D-42m "MASTUJ" (1942) (<-1933_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印42H-42m "YASIN" (1942) (<-1934_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印42L-42m "BALTIT-HUNZA" (1942) (<-1923_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印42N-42m "MUZTAGH-ATA" (1942)(<-1925_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印43I-42m "GILGIT" (1942) (<-1934_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印43M-42m "SKARDU" (1942) (<-1933_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印43O-42m "ANANTNAG" (1942) (<-1926_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印52B-42m "KARGIL" (1942) (<-1928_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印52E-42m "KARA-KORAM PASS" (1942) (<-1928_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印52F-42m "LEH" (1942) (<-1927_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印71C-42m "TRADOM" (1942) (<-1929_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印71D-42m "GURKHA" (1942) (<-1931_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印71H-42m "GOSAINKUND" (1942) (<-1931_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印71L-42m "TINGRI DZONG" (1942) (<-1932_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印72I-42m "MOUNT EVEREST" (1942) (<-1932_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印72M-42m "ARUN VALLEY" (1942)(<-1925_SOI) 陸地測量部, 参謀本部 1/25-印78A-42m "DARJEELING" (1942) (<-1923_SOI) 陸地測量部: 製版, 参謀本部: 発行 1/25-印78E-42m "PUNAKHA" (1942) (<-1934_SOI) 陸地測量部: 製版, 参謀本部: 発行 |
** | |
陸測-1/25-新彊・甘肅 *(Scale 1/250, 000) 新彊省・甘肅省二十五万分一圖, 陸地測量部 ***[1900年乃至1915年の間3回に亙る「サーアウレル・スタイン」等の踏査測量の成果に拠る1919年印度測量局調製新彊甘肅50万分1多色刷圖を翻訳し25万分1に伸写4色刷に複製したもの] |
** | 1/25-新彊・甘肅-2-43m "二號:喀什噶爾-穆斯塔格阿塔山" (1943) 1/25-新彊・甘肅-14-43m "十四號:三普拉-策勒-克里雅" (1943) |
** | |
陸測-1/100-印 *(Scale 1/1, 000, 000) 印度百万分一圖, 陸地測量部 |
** | 1/100-印-1-42m "一號: アッサム" (1942) 1/100-印-3-42m "三號: ビハール・オリッサ" (1942) 1/100-印-6-42m "六號: トークヂャルン" (1942) 1/100-印-7-42m "七號: バレイリ" (1942) 1/100-印-14-42m "十四號: パミール高原" (1942) 1/100-印-15-42m "十五號: スリーナガル" (1942) |
** | |
陸測-1/100-印東 *(Scale 1/1, 000, 000) 印度百万分一圖東部周域, 陸地測量部 |
** | 1/100-印東-1-42m "一號: バタン" (1942) 1/100-印東-2-42m "ニ號: ミッチナ" (1942) 1/100-印東-3-42m "三號: ラーサ" (1942) 1/100-印東-4-42m "四號: グヤナントセ" (1942) |
** | |
*旧日本軍が作成した「外邦図」については、外邦図研究グループによる研究報告書 『外邦図研究ニュースレター』(→定期刊行物)及び小林2009を参照のこと。 |
「理塘県地図」(Scale 1/500, 000)理塘県地名办公室編絵
『林周県地図』 (Scale 1/100, 000)西藏自治区林周県人民政府主办、西藏自治区測絵局編絵 (1987)
「鑪藏道里最新圖」 光緒三十三年 (1907)
「和闐直隷州圖」 光緒三十二年 (1906)
(舊刊新疆輿図68, 28に収録)
** | ********* | *** | ********* | ** |
●地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
'Karakoram Himalayas -The Upper Basin of the Baltoro Glacier, The Godwin Austen Glacier and
their Tributaries' (Scale 1: 125, 000)
(Filippi11 (GJ Vol. 37, No. 1) 付図)
"Seat of War in Asia. Map of Afghanistan from Surveys made by British and Russian Officers up to 1875", Published in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, For the information
of the Officers of the U. S. Army, Washington D. C. (1878)
'Central and South Asia' (Scale 1: 10,000,000)
(from the first edition (1881) of the "Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas" [by Richard Andree, Bielefeld/Leipzig Verlag Velhagen & Klasing])
"Mahalangur Himal Chomolongma - Mount Everest: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/2"(Scale 1/25, 000)
Edited by Deutscher Alpenverein, Osterreichischer Alpenverein und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Wien (1957)
"Langthang Himal - West: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/10" (Scale 1/50, 000)
Published within the fremework of the Alpenvereinskartographie by the Oesterreichischer Alpenverein, Wien (1990)
"Langthang Himal - Ost: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/11" (Scale 1/50, 000)
Published within the fremework of the Alpenvereinskartographie by the Oesterreichischer Alpenverein, Wien (1990)
"Khan Tengri - Tien Shan / Kyrgyzstan: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/15" (Scale 1/100, 000)
Published within the Framework of the Alpenvereinskartographie by Deutscher
Alpenverein (German Alpine Club) (2011)
AMS-1301-1/100 -Series 1301 (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) Army Map Service, USA |
** | AMS-1301-1/100-NG45-67m "BIHAR" (1967), Edition 8-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NG46-67m "ASSAM" (1967), Edition 6-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NG47-59m "TA-LI" (1959), Edition 6-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NH44-45m "MANASAROWAR" (1945), Second Edition AMS 2 AMS-1301-1/100-NH44-48m "MANASAROWAR" (1948), Fourth Edition AMS 3 AMS-1301-1/100-NH45-47m "TSANGPO" (1947), First Edition-AMS 1 (GSGS 2555) AMS-1301-1/100-NH46-47m "LHASA" (1947), First Edition-AMS 2 (GSGS 2555) AMS-1301-1/100-NH46-60m "Lhasa" (1960), First GSGS Edition-AMS 2 (GSGS 2555) AMS-1301-1/100-NH47-62m "Upper Mekong" (1962), Edition 1-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NH47-63m "UPPER MEKONG" (1963), Edition 1-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NH48-58m "Chungking" (1958), Second HIND Edition-AMS 4 (GSGS 4646) AMS-1301-1/100-NI43-60m "Kashmir" (1960), Edition 4-GSGS (GSGS 4646) AMS-1301-1/100-NI43-67m "Srinagar" (1967), Edition 5 AMS-1301-1/100-NI44-43m "WESTERN TIBET" (1943), 1941 Edition AMS 1 AMS-1301-1/100-NI44-48m "Western Tibet" (1948), Second Edition AMS 2 AMS-1301-1/100-NI44-53m "PANGONG TSO" (1953), Third Edition AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NI44-63m "PANGONG TSO" (1963), Edition 3-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NI45-54m "Chikhitei Tsho" (1954), Second Edition-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NI45-58m "CHIKHITEI TSHO" (1958), Edition 2-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NI46-50m "Eastern Tibet" (1950), AMS 2 (HIND 5000) AMS-1301-1/100-NI46-59m "Eastern Tibet" (1959), Edition 1-GSGS AMS 2 (GSGS 4646) AMS-1301-1/100-NI47-49m "SOURCES OF HUANG HO" (1949), First HIND Edition, 1948-AMS 2 AMS-1301-1/100-NI47-58m "Sources of Huang Ho" (1958), First HIND Edition-AMS 2 (GSGS 4646) AMS-1301-1/100-NJ42-60m "Stalinabad" (1960), Edition 4-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NJ43-53m "Su-Fu (Kashgar Kone Shahr)" (1953), Fourth Edition-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NJ43-67m "Su-Fu (Kashgar)" (1967), Edition 5-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NJ44-61m "HO-TIEN" (1961), Edition 1-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NJ45-53m "Ch'ieh-Mo (Charchan Bazar)" (1953), First Edition-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NJ46-53m "Tsaidam" (1953), Edition 2-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NJ47-55m "Ch'ing Hai" (1955), Edition 2-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NK43-53m "Alma-Ata" (1953), AMS 2 AMS-1301-1/100-NK44-54m "A-K'o-Su" (1954), Second Edition-AMS AMS-1301-1/100-NK44-59m "A-K'o-Su" (1959), Edition 2-AMS |
** | |
AMS-5304-1/150 -Series 5304 (Scale 1/1, 500, 000) Army Map Service, USA |
AMS-5304-1/150-IX8-45m "TASHKENT, U.S.S.R" (1945), Second Edition-AMS2
(copied from a U.S.S.R. map dated 1940.) AMS-5304-1/150-IX9-45m "KASHGAR, CHINA" (1945), Second Edition-A.M.S2 (copied from a U.S.S.R. map dated 1939.) AMS-5304-1/150-IX10-45m "KORLA, CHINA" (1945), Second Edition-AMS2 (copied from a U.S.S.R. map dated 1939.) AMS-5304-1/150-X11-45m "JEKUNDO, CHINA" (1945), Second Edition-AMS2 (copied from a U.S.S.R. map dated 1939.) AMS-5304-1/150-X12-45m "CH'ENG-TU, CHINA" (1945), Second Edition-AMS2 (copied from a U.S.S.R. map dated 1940.) |
** | |
AMS-L406-1/50 -L406 (Scale 1/500, 000) (Approximate) Army Map Service, USA |
AMS-L406-1/50-1-47m "TE-CH'IN" (1947), First Edition-AMS1 (Sheet
I of IV) AMS-L406-1/50-2-46m "WEI-HSI" (1946), First Edition-AMS1 (Sheet II of IV) AMS-L406-1/50-3-46m "LI-CHIANG" (1946), First Edition-AMS1 (Sheet III of IV) AMS-L406-1/50-4-47m "YEN-YÜAN" (1947), First Edition-AMS1 (Sheet IV of IV) |
AMS-L500-1/25 -L500 Series (Scale 1/250, 000) Army Map Service, USA |
* | AMS-L500-1/25-NH44-7-58m "Manasarowar" (1958), Edition 1-AMS AMS-L500-1/25-NH44-12-58m "Mustang" (1958), Edition 1-AMS AMS-L500-1/25-NH45-14-63m "Tingri Dzong" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-L500-1/25-NH45-16-63m "Gyangtse" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-L500-1/25-NH46-12-55m "Namcha Barwa" (1955), Edition 1-AMS AMS-L500-1/25-NH46-13-56m "Yamdrog Tsho" (1956), Edition 1-AMS (印刷状態が違う Edition 1-AMS (1963)もある) |
* | |
AMS-U502-1/25 -U502 Series (Scale 1/250, 000) Army Map Service, USA |
** | AMS-U502-1/25-NG44-5-59m "Dehra Dun" (1959) AMS-U502-1/25-NG45-2-59m "Mount Everest" (1959) AMS-U502-1/25-NG45-3-63m "Kanchenjunga" (1963) AMS-U502-1/25-NG45-4-63m "Phari Dzong" (1963) AMS-U502-1/25-NG46-2-61m "Towang" (1961) AMS-U502-1/25-NH44-6-58m "Nanda Devi" (1958), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NH44-11-58m "Jumla" (1958), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NH44-16-58m "Pokhara" (1958), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NH45-13-59m "Jongkha Dzong" (1959), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-2-63m "Gilgit" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-3-63m "Mundik" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-4-55m "Chulung" (1955), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-7-63m "Kargil" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-8-63m "Leh" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-11-60m "Anantnag" (1960), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI43-16-63m "Palampur" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NI44-13-60m "Tso Morali" (1960), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NJ43-13-58m "Mastuj" (1958), Edition 1-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NJ43-14-63m "Baltit" (1963), Edition 2-AMS AMS-U502-1/25-NJ43-15-59m "Shimshal" (1959), Edition 1-AMS |
Annapurna Conservation Area88m
"Annapurna Conservation Area" (Scale 1/1250000)
Drawn by D. Koirala, Published by Annapruna Conservation Area Project King
Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation
Cartography by Carto Consult Pvt. Ltd, Kathmandu (1988)
"To Mark Wood Esqr. M.P. colonel of the army in India late chief engineer
and surveyor general, Bengal THIS MAP OF INDIA compiled from various interesting
and valuable materials is inscribed in grateful testimony of his liberal
communications by his obedient and most humble Servant A. Arrowsmith."No.
24, Rathbone Place (1804)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
Arrowsmith1821m "To The Honble. the Court of Directors of the East India Company This Improved MAP of INDIA Compiled From all the Latest & most Authentic Materials Is Respectfully Dedicated by their most Obedient & most Humble Servant A. Arrowsmith. (Additions to 1820, 21.)"(1821) |
** | Arrowsmith1821m-1+2 "Sheet 1 and 2" (1821) Arrowsmith1821m-3 "Sheet 3" (1821) |
*これらの地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開 [ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在) |
'China' by J. Arrowsmith. (1832)
* from David Rumsei Collection
'Northern Asia, from the Himalaya Mountains to the Arctic Ocean.' by J. Arrowsmith. (1832)
* from David Rumsei Collection
"Map of the PANJAB, KASHMIR, ISKARDU, & LADHAK; Comprising the dominions of RANJEET SINCH.", Compiled from Original Documents, Particularly from
the Detailed M.S.Map of Baron Charles Hügel, To whom it is Dedicated by
John Arrowsmith (1847)
* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
'India (Northern Part)' by John Archer
(from "Gilbert's Modern Atlas"[Grattan & Gilbert, London (1840)])
ATC-1301-1/100 -Series 1301 (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) U. S. Army Topographic Command, Washington, D. C. |
** | ATC-1301-1/100-NH44-71m "MANASAROWAR" (1971), Edition 6-TPC ATC-1301-1/100-NI47-71m "YÜ-SHU" (1971), Edition 3-TPC ATC-1301-1/100-NJ44-71m "HO-TIEN" (1971), Edition 3-TPC ATC-1301-1/100-NJ45-71m "CH'IEH-MO" (1971), Edition 2-TPC |
'Langtrang ~ Shisha Pangma', Peter Aufschneiter
[クルツ88b, p535に収録 (M. Kurz "Chronique Himalayenne II. Supplement" (1963))]
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
"Garhwal Himalaya: Index of peaks, panoramas, maps", Jan Babicz,
'South Asia' (Scale 1: 10, 000, 000)
('Indien: Handbuch Fur Reisende' published by Verlag von Karl Baedeker
in Leipzig (1914)に収録)
*University of Texas Libraries, Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collectionで公開
[ http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ ]
AND THE MISHMI HILLS' (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) (Bailey12 (GJ Vol. 39, No.
4 (April, 1912)) 付図)
'Part of North-Eastern Frontier and Tibet showing the routes of Captains Morshead and Bailey 1913' (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) (Bailey14 (GJ Vol. 44, No. 4 (October, 1914)) 付図)
Bailey & Meade24m
'Parts of BHUTAN AND SOUTHERN TIBET from surveys by MAJ. F. M. BAILEY, C. I. E., I. A. and CAPT. H. R. MEADE,
I. A. 1922' (Scale 1: 750, 000)
(Bailey24 (GJ Vol. 64 (1924) No. 4) 付図)
Bailey & Morshead14m
"PRELIMINARY MAP Showing routes of Captains Bailey and Morshead N.
E. FRONTIER_1913"(Scale- 1 inch = 8 miles)
Published under the direction of Colonel S. G. Burrard, C. S. I., R. E.,
F. R. S., Surveyor General of India (1914)
"Bhutan -Road map-" (Scale 1/500, 000) Berndtson & Berndtson Publication, Furstenfeldbruck, Germany (1996)
'India (Section I )'
(from "The XXTH Century Citizen's Atlas", p89-90 [ by John Bartholomew and Co., Edinburgh (c.1900)])
"India Pakistan Ceylon -- Countour - Coloured World Map Series --" (Scale 1/4, 000, 000) John Bartholomew & Son Ltd, Edinburgh (1960)
"Tibet & The Moutains of Central Asia, World Travel Map"
(Scale 1/3, 000, 000) Royal Geographical Society and Mount Everest Foundation,
Edinburgh, Bartholomew (1992)
'Karte des Kangchendzonga-Gebietes' (1: 250, 000) (Bauer31, 巻末地図)
'Karte von Assam und seinen Nachbar-Ländern' (1: 1,000,000) Heinrich Berghaus,
Justus Pertes, Gotha (Berghaus Atlas von Asia No. 9)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
'Karte von CHINA UND JAPAN. den Manen D'Anville's und Klapproth's' Heinrich
Berghaus, Justus Pertes, Gotha (Berghaus' Atlas von Asia. No. 2)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
"BHUTAN" (1: 250,000) 1st version, Department of Survey and Land
Records, Ministry of Agriculture, Thimpu, Bhutan; International Institute
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"КАРТА ДОРОГИ изъ ЧЕНЪ-Ду-ФУ до ХЛАССЫ изданная въ 1828 году"
composed by Iakinf Bichurin
(Merzliakova et. al. 2005に掲載)
(from "The Imperial Atlas of Modern Geography" [ by Walter Graham Blackie, Blackie and Son, London (1860)])
"Карта Южной Пограничной Полосы Азіятсксой Россіи." (Масштабъ
40 верстъ Въ дюйміъ.) Подъ Редакціею Генер. М. Большева, Изданіе Военно-Топогр.
Отдѣла Главиаго Штаба (1900)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collection (Pub List No: 10266.000)で公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2023/2現在)
'(Part 1) Pl: II. Part of INDIA, PERSIA, TIBET, and TARTARY' Examined &
Reetified by Mr. BOLTON (1774)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
'(Part 2) Pl. V. Part of CHINA, TIBET and TARTARY' Revised by Mr. BOLTON
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
'Kanchendzonga ~ Kabru (編者註: 地図には名称がないため仮称)' (Scale 1/100, 000) H. F. Bossart
[クルツ88b, p515-519に収録 (M. Kurz "Chronique Himalayenne; l'Age d'or 1940-1955" (1959))]
'A New and Accurate Map of the EMPIRE of the GREAT MONGUL, together with INDIA on both sides the GANGES, and the adjacent Countries.', drawn from the most approved modern Maps and Charts: The whole being regulated by Astron: Observations, by Eman: Bowen.
(Emanuel Bowen "A Complete Atlas, or Distinct View of the Known World"
(1752), No. 43)
* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
'Glacier de Baltoro - Chaine du Mustagh (Hindu-Kush)' (1: 200, 000) W.
Brendel, Neuchatel (1903)
'China/ Part of Western Se-Chuan from a Plane-table Survey by J. W. Brooke' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Meares09 (GJ Vol. 34, No. 6 (December, 1909)) 付図)
(この地図は、Fergusson11, 折込地図にも収録)
'MINYA KONKA REGION - From Survey by Richard L. Burdsall and Arthur B. Emmons III of the Sikong
Expedition 1932 - ' (Scale 1/300, 000)
(Burdsall34 (Geographical Review, Vol. 24, No. 1 (January, 1934)), p119)
'General Maps of Eastern Turkestan and Tibet' (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) Colonel
A. H. Bystrom (1922)
[Hedin22-Maps に収録]
'General Maps of the Great Kara-korum Glaciers' (Scale 1/500, 000) Colonel
A. H. Bystrom (1922)
[Hedin22-Maps に収録]
'Dr Sven Hedin's Travels in Eastern Pamir 1894 and 1895' (Scale 1/500,
000) Colonel A. H. Bystrom (1922)
[Hedin22-Maps に収録]
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
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"KKH - The Karakoram Highway (China / Pakistan Friendship Highway)
-" (Scale 1, 000, 000) John Callanan (2001?)
Canal Map1886m
"(PRELIMINARY) CANAL MAP of INDIA" (Scale 1 Inch = 32 Miles or 1/2, 027, 520), Published
under the direction of Lieut. Colonel H. R. Thuillier, R. E., Officiating
Surveyor General of India, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, November
Century Atlas1897 "The Century Atlas of the World", prepared under the superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith, A. M., published by The Century Co., New York (1897) |
** | Cetury Atlas 1897m-103 'Persia (Iran), Afghanistan & Baluchistan',
No. 103 Cetury Atlas 1897m-104 'India, Northern Part', No. 104 Cetury Atlas 1897m-107 'Chinese Empire', No. 107 |
*********************************************************************************** |
Chandra Das 02m
'Map showing the Routes of Sarat Chandra Das through Sikkim and Tibet 1879 and 1882' (Scale 1 : 1, 000, 000) (1902)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 35として転載される)
"Central-Asien: nach den neuesten Quellen bearbeitet von Dr-Joseph Chavanne."(Scale 1: 5, 000, 000), A. Hartleben's Verlag in Wien, Pest u. Leipzig
(1880) (in Germany)
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館のHP [URL: https://hdl.loc.gov/loc.wdl/wdl.15036 ]で公開されている(2021.10
China-Pakistan -Attached Maps of the Protocol of the First Session of the China-Pakistan Joint Boundary Inspection (Scale 1: 50, 000) [This map was drawn and printed in 1986-1987 during the first joint inspection of China-Pakistan Boundary] |
** | China-Pakistan87-No. 13m China-Pakistan87-No. 14m China-Pakistan87-No. 15m China-Pakistan87-No. 16m China-Pakistan87-No. 17m China-Pakistan87-No. 18m China-Pakistan87-No. 19m China-Pakistan87-No. 20m |
*********************************************************************************** |
"TIBET" (Scale 1: 2,500,000), United States. Central Intelligence
Agency, GPO-SSO-3921 (1955)
*アメリカ議会図書館(Library of Congress)のWeb Page(URL: https://www.loc.gov/resource/g7890.ct002843/ )で公開(2022年7月現在)
(Coales19 (GJ Vol. 54, No. 4 (October, 1919))付図)
Constable1893 "Constable's Hand Atlas of India", prepared under the direction of John G. Bartholomew, Archibald Constable & Co. (1893) |
** | Constable1893m-4 'Section IV' (Plate 25) Constable1893m-7 'SectionVII' (Plate 28) |
*********************************************************************************** |
"The Karakoram Himalayas - Sheet I - Bagrot, Hunza, Nagyr & The Hispar Glacier"(Scale 1/126,720) Surveyed in 1892 by W. Martin Conway & Reduced
from his drawing, Royal Geographical Society, London (1894)
"The Karakoram Himalayas. - Sheet II - The Biafo & Baltoro Glaciers"(Scale 1/126,720) Surveyed in 1892 by W. Martin Conway & Reduced
from his drawing, Royal Geographical Society, London (1894)
"India, showing the British Provinces, Feudatory States, and French and Portuguese
Colonies, with Nepal and Bhutan", published by George F. Cram, Chicago (1911)
'The Pamirs and Adjoining Territories of Central Asia and India', Compiled
by H. Sharbau, under the direction of The Right Honble G. N. Curzon, M.
(Curzon1896 (GJ Vol. 8, No. 1 (July, 1896)) 付図)
(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として転載される)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
"Glaciers of the Eastern Karakoram To illustrate the Journey in 1930
of Prof. Giotto Dainelli"(Scale 1/750,000) (GJ Vol. 79, No. 4 (1932))
d'Anville "Atlas general de la Chine, de la Tartarie chinoise, et du Tibet: pour servir aux differentes descriptions et histoires de cet empire" Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville, Paris (1790?) |
** | d'Anville1790m-1 'Carte la plus general et qui comprend La Chine' d'Anville1790m-22 'Province d'Yun-Nan' d'Anville1790m-41 'Carte generale du Tibet ou Bout-tan' d'Anville1790m-42 'Premiere feuille comprise dans la Carte generale du Tibet, et qui contient en particulier l'extremite occidentale du grand Desert de Sable, et le pays des environs de Hami.' d'Anville1790m-43 'Seconde feuille comprise dans la Carte generale du Tibet, et qui contient en particulier le pays qui est au couchant de Tourfan' d'Anville1790m-44 'Troisieme feuille comprises dans la Carte generale du Tibet, et qui contient en particulier les environs de Casgar.' d'Anville1790m-45 'Quatrieme feuille, comprise dans la Carte generale du Tibet, et qui contient en particulier le pays des Tartares de Hoho-Nor' d'Anville1790m-46 'Cinquieme feuille, qui est proprement la premiere du Tibet, et qui contient le Si-san et pays limitrophe.' d'Anville1790m-47 'Sixieme feuille, qui est proprement la seconde du Tibet, et qui contient le pays qui est au Levant de Lasa.' d'Anville1790m-48 'Septieme feuille, qui est proprement la troisieme du Tibet, et qui contient pays des environs du Tsanpou au couchant de Lasa.' d'Anville1790m-49 'Huitieme feuille, qui est proprement la quatrieme du Tibet, et qui donne l'origine du Tsanpon et du Gange.' d'Anville1790m-50 'Neuvieme et derniere feuille de celles qui sont comprises dans la Carte generale du Tibet, et ou se trouoe Latac.' |
これらの地図はアメリカ議会図書館のHP [ http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g7820m.gct00075 ] で公開されている(2021.10 現在)。 |
"The Glaciers of the Karakorum"(Scale 1/400,000) B. V. Darbishire,
Royal Geographical Society, London (1893) (AJ Vol. 16 (1893))
"Minapin (Rakaposhi Range) - NW - Karakorum -" (Scale 1/50, 000) Deutscher Alpenverein and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Berlin (West) (1967)
"Hunza - Karakorum: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/12" (Scale 1/100, 000) Deutscher Alpenverein (1995)
"Nevado Ojos del Salado: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/13" (Scale 1/100, 000) Deutscher Alpenverein (2004)
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War Office, April, 1906., Corrected to Dec, 1908., Topographical Section
General Staff, No. 2112.
'Part of Tibet and Sin-Chiang (Chinese Turkestan) showing the surveys of Chaptain H. H. P. Deasy' (Scale 1/1, 500, 000)
(Deasy1900b (GJ, Vol. 16, No. 5 (November, 1900)) 付図)(ほぼ同じ図がDeasy1901,
Du Halde | |
Du Halde1738m 'A General Map of Comprising China, Chinese Tartary &
Tibet drawn from the Particular Maps of the Jesuits together with the Countries
between Kashgar and the Caspian Sea laid down according to the Oriental
Geographers & Historians By the sieur D'ANVILLE Geographer in ordinary
to the King of France 1734' (M216) (Du Halde1738の付録地図として収録) |
** | Du Halde1741m-1 'The first Sheet included in the Map of Tibet, containing
the West end of the Great Sandy Desart & the Country about Ha-mi [or
Khamul, in little Bukharia.]' (M234) Du Halde1741m-2 'The Second Sheet of Tibet, containing the Country [of Little Bukharia] to the West of Turfan.' (M235) Du Halde1741m-3 'The Third Sheet included in the Map of Tibet, containing the Parts [of Little Bukharia] about Kashghar.' (M236) Du Halde1741m-4 'The fourth Sheet comprized in the Map of Tibet containing in particular the Country of the Tartars of Koko Nor.' (M237) Du Halde1741m-5 'The fifth Sheet, which is properly the first, of Tibet, as bounded by China & including the Country of the Si-san.' (M238) Du Halde1741m-6 'The Sixth sheet, which is properly the Second of Tibet, containing the Country to the East of Lasa.' (M239) Du Halde1741m-7 'The Seventh sheet, which is properly the third of Tibet, including the Country in the Neighbourhood of the Tsapu to the west of Lasa.' (M240) Du Halde1741m-8 'The Eighth Sheet, which is properly the fourth, of Tibet, exhibiting the Origin of the Tsanpu and Ganga or Ganges.' (M241) Du Halde1741m-9 'The Ninth Sheet of Tibet, containing, among others, the Country of Latak [Ladak]' (M242) |
(これらの地図はDu Halde1741の付録地図として収録) |
DMATC-1/100 -Series 1301 (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center (DMAAC), USA |
** | DMATC-1301-1/100-NI45-77m "Kai-Tse" (1977), Edition 4 DMATC-1301-1/100-NI46-78m "An-To" (1978), Edition 4 DMATC-1301-1/100-NJ45-78m "Ch'ieh-Mo" (1978), Edition 3 DMATC-1301-1/100-NJ46-78m "Ko-Erh-Mu" (1978), Edition 4 DMATC-1301-1/100-NJ47-78m "HSI-NING" (1978), Edition 4 |
"Karte der Nanga Parbat - Gruppe Deutsche Himalaya - Expedition 1934: Alpenvereinskarte Nr: 0/7" (Scale 1/50, 000) Deutschen und Osterreichischen Alpenverein (1936)
Reprint ed., Osterreichischen Alpenverein, Wien (1980)
'CHINA AND JAPAN' (A New General Atlas Of The World: No. 29) Drawn &
Engraved by J. Dower, Pentonville London, Published by Henry Teesdale &
Co. (1844)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
[ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:China_and_Japan,_John_Nicaragua_Dower_(1844).jpg ] でも公開 (2022.8閲覧)
'Map of Central Asia - Showing Route of the Earl of Dunmore 1892-3 '
(Dunmore1893 (GJ Vol. 2, No. 5 (November, 1893))付図)
Dutreuil de Rhins1889 "L'Asie Centrale (Thibet et Regions Limitrophes) - Atlas -", par J. L. Dutreuil de Rhins, Ernest Leroux Editeur, Paris (1889) |
** |
*********************************************************************************** |
Dutreuil de Rhins1898m
'Mission scientifique dans la Haute Asie CARTE XIV - Observations astronomiques de J. L. Dutreuil de Rhins, Levers de Dutreuil
de Rhins et de F. Grenard 1893 -' (1: 500, 000) Dressee sous la direction de F. Grenard, par J. Hansen
(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として収録)
'Beilagen-Mappe zu Baltoro', (Dyhrenfurth39, 付図)
*I. Panoramen:
#A. Aufnahme von Vittorio Sella (Panorama C von 1909)
#B. Aufnahme von Vittorio Sella (Panorama E von 1909): Die Westseite des K2
#C. Aufnahme von G. O. Dyhrenfurth (1934): Die Innenseite der Gasherbrum-Gruppe
#D. Aufnahme von G. O. Dyhrenfurth: Blick vom Camp 7 der I.H.E. 1934 gegen Siachen- und Kondus-Gletscher
*II. 50 Strichzeichnungen (Pausen)
*III. Karten:
#a) Indian und der Himalaya (ca. 1: 16, 000, 000)
#b) Kashmir und der Karakoram (1: 2, 500, 000)
#c) Geologische Skizze des Baltoro (ca. 1: 300, 000)
#d) Kammverlauf - Karte des Baltoro - Gebietes (1: 150, 000)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
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"NEPAL -An International Travel Map 499" (Scale 1/800, 000) ITMB Publishing (Canada) and ESTATE Publications,
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"Pamir-Trans Alai Mountains" (Scale 1/200, 000) Robin Collomb
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xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
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'22. TIBET (西蔵)' (Scale 1/ 4,601,900) , Shanghai Far Eastern Geographical
Establishment (上海遠海地理學會), North-China Daily News & Herald, Ltd., Shanghai
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
'China / Part of the Province of SE-CHUAN from a Plane Table sketch by W. N. Fergusson 1906-7' (Scale 1 : 1, 000, 000)
(GJ-V32(6)-08 (GJ Vol. 32, No. 6 (December, 1908)) 付図)
'Karakoram Himalayas / The Upper Basin of the Baltoro Glacier. The Godwin Austen Glacier and their Tributaries' (Scale 1/125, 000), surveyed by the expedition of H. R. H. The Duke of
the Abruzzi (Filippi11 (GJ Vol. 37, No. 1 (January, 1911)) 付図)
'Kartenwerk der Erdmagnetishen Forschungsexpedition W. Filchners nach Zentral-Asien
1926-28: China und Tibet I: Routenaufnahmen der Strecke China-Tibet I:
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500000) Gotha, Justus Perthes
'Kartenwerk der Erdmagnetishen Forschungsexpedition W. Filchners nach Zentral-Asien
1926-28: China und Tibet I: Routenaufnahmen der Strecke China-Tibet I:
Si-ning-Dsun-dsassak-Tang-la (ERGANZUNGSHEFT215, BLATT IV)' (Masstab 1:
500000) Gotha, Justus Perthes
'Kartenwerk der Erdmagnetishen Forschungsexpedition W. Filchners nach Zentral-Asien
1926-28: Tibet II: Routenaufnahmen der Strecke Tibet II - Indien: Tang-la
- Nag-tschu-ka - Quellgebiet des Saluen u. die Grosen Seen (Ba-mtso - Namtso)
(ERGANZUNGSHEFT231, BLATT V)' (Masstab 1: 500000) Gotha, Justus Perthes
'Kartenwerk der Erdmagnetishen Forschungsexpedition W. Filchners nach Zentral-Asien
1926-28: Tibet II: Routenaufnahmen der Strecke Tibet II - Indien: Im Gebiet
der GroTang-la - Nag-tschu-ka - Quellgebiet des Saluen u. die Grosen Seen
(Sse-ling-tso - Ngang-tse-tso - Tang-ra-tso) (ERGANZUNGSHEFT231, BLATT
VI)' (Masstab 1: 500000) Gotha, Justus Perthes
'Asia. Portion of the Karakoram Range' (Scale 1/100, 000) Drawn from the photogrammeric survey of the Expedition of H. R. H. the
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(N. W. Himalaya Series) and upon the Survey of Sir W. M. Conway, 1902
(Filippi, Filippo De "Karakoram and western Himalaya, 1909: An account
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'Itineraries of the De Filippi Expedition (1913-1914)' (Scale 1/2, 500,
000), St. Cartografico G. Giardi, Firenze
(Filippi32 付図)
'De Filippi Expedition (1913-1914) / Depsang Plains and Upper Basins of the Yarkand and Shayok Rivers' (Scale
1/250, 000), St. Cartografico G. Giardi, Firenze
(Filippi32 付図)
'Spedizione de Filippi (1913-14) - Il Ghiacciaio Rimu e La Zona D'Altipiano Fino Al Passo Del Caracorum'
(Scale 1/100, 000) Triangolazione del Com. Prof. A. Alessio e Prof. G.
Abetti, Istituto Geografico Militare, (Filippi35 付図)
'Spedizione de Filippi (1913-14) - Altipiano Depsang e Bacini Superiori Dello Iarcand e Dello Sciaiok' (Scale
1/250, 000) Triangolazione del Magg. H. Wood e Ing. J. A. Spranger, Istituto
Geografico Militare, (Filippi35 付図)
Finsterwalder & Reachl35m
'Part of the Preliminary Edition of the Stereo - Autograph Plan of Nanga
Parbat', (Finsterwalder et. al. 35 (HJ Vol. 7 付図))
Freytag & berndt 2010m
"Nepal Road map"(Scale 1/700, 000) , freytag & berndt (2010)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
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'Material for a Geological Map of Sikhim', Constructed by Edmund Johnston
Garwood (1903)
(Freshfield03付図。 E. J. Garwoodによる解説がFreshfield03, p300-307にあり)
'Sketch Map of the Glaciers of Kangchenjunga', (Scale 1: 125, 000) Constructed
by Edmund Johnston Garwood,
Published by the Royal Geographical Society (1903)
(Freshfield03 付図。 E. J. Garwoodによる解説がFreshfield03, p300-307にあり)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 41として転載される)
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"The Pamirs", (Scale 1: 500, 000) The Pamir Archive, Markus Hauser,
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(Gill1878 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. 48
(1878)) 付図)
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(Godwin-Austen1864 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
Vol. 34 (1864)) 付図)
'The Mountain System of the HIMALAYA and neighbouring Ranges of INDIA'
(Scale 1/4, 055, 040)
(Godwin-Austen1884 (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly
Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 6, No. 2 (February, 1884))
'Part of North West Yunnan Showing the route followed by J. W. Gregory, F.R.S. and C. J. Gregory,
B.Sc. May-Sept. 1922' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Gregory23, 巻末付図)
'Part of North West Yunnan: Showing the route followed by J. W. Gregory, F. R. S. and C. J. Gregory,
B. Sc. May - Sep. 1922' (Scale 1/1, 000, 000)
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"Mission scientifique dans la Haute Asie. Carte de l'Asie centrale
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[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b53063691j/f1.item.zoom で公開 ]
'Surveys & Explorations in the Himalaya, Tibet, and Central Asia', General Report of the Survey of India
(HJ Vol. 8 (1936) 付図。 HJ Vol. 8, p144-145に簡単な解説あり)
-Series 1301 (GSGS 4646), (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) Printed by No 1 SPC, RE
##GSGS-1301-1/100-NH46-59m "Lhasa" (1959), Edition 3-GSGS
-(Scale 1/1, 000, 000) Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 2555, Published by War Office, London
##GSGS-2555-1/100-NH-43-44m "Delhi", Second Edition. Army/Air Style (1944)
##GSGS-2555-1/100-NH-45-48m "Tsangpo", First Edition (1948)
##GSGS-2555-1/100-NH-48-46m "Chungking", Second Edition (1946)
"Afghanistan" (Scale 1 / 4, 055, 040), Geographical Section,
General Staff, No. 2605, Great Britain, War Office (1912)
-R.A.F. 1: 1, 000, 000 Aeronautical Chart (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) Geographical
Section, General Staff, Published by War Office, London
##GSGS-4695-1/100-436-55m "Ipi Pass", Edition 1 (1955)
##GSGS-4695-1/100-437-56m "Kyi River", Edition 1 (1956)
##GSGS-4695-1/100-554-53m "Brahmaputra River", First Edition (1953)
"Nepal 1: 506, 880 - East Sheet -", (Scale 1: 506, 880), U462
(Formerly U431), Edition 3-GSGS, Published by D. Survey, Ministry of Defence,
United Kingdom (1969)
-Reprinted by Mapping and Charting Establishment R E
"Nepal 1: 506, 880 - West Sheet -", (Scale 1: 506, 880), U462
(Formerly U431), Edition 2-GSGS, Published by D. Survey, Ministry of Defence,
United Kingdom (1967)
-Reprinted by Mapping and Charting Establishment R E
"Preliminary Sketch of the GEOLOGY of INDIA by the Officers of the Geological Survey of India (First Issue)" (Scale 1/4,055,040), Printed at the Office of the Surveyor General of India, Calcutta (1877)
* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
"Reliefkrte Nepal " (Scale 1, 408, 000), Toni Hagen, Kummerly
& Frey, Geographischer Verlag, Bern (1980)
(from "Hammond's Atlas & Gazetteer of the World"[published by C.S. Hammond, New York (1904)])
'A Map to illustrate Captain Harcourts' Paper on THE HIMALAYAN VALLEYS
of KOOLOO, LAHOUL & SPITI with a sketch Map of THE PASSES from INDIA to EASTERN TURKISTAN' (Harcourt1871
(Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. 41 (1871)) 付図)
Hari Ram 15m1
'The Ting-Ri Maidan and Upper Arun River with the Eastern and Western Sources of the Kosi or Kosiki River the Great Eastern Tributary of the Ganges also Part of Great Tibet from a Route Survey made by Hari Ram 1871-72' (Scale 1 / 1, 013, 760) Compiled from the Original
Materials by Major Captain T.G. Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., G.
T. Survey of India (1915)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. III として転載される)
Hari Ram 15m2
'Map to Illustrate the Report on the Explorations Trans-Himalayan and in Nepal made by Hari Ram 1873' (Scale
1 / 1, 013, 760) (1915)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. V として転載される)
Hari Ram 16m
'Sketch Map Illustrating the Route of Explorer Hari Ram, From Dagmara thana via the Dudhkosi to Ting-ri, and thence via Jongkha
Fort and Kirong (Kerun Shahr) to Tribeni. Season 1885-86', (Scale 1 / 1, 013, 760), Heliozincographed at the Survey of India Offices,
Dehra Dun (1916)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. XXI として転載される)
'Map of the Routes followed by Explorer D. C. S. from Darjeeling to Shigatze during 1879; Explorer G.
S. S. in Nepal during 1880 & 1881; Explorer G. M. N. from Shigatze
to Khamba Jong during 1880; also some routes of fomer Explorers, also some
of the results of the Surveys by the Darjeeling Survey Party during 1879-82' (Scale 16 Miles = 1 Inch), Compiled by Captain H. J. Harman (1882)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 34 として転載される)
'Mount Everest Region', (Scale 1: 200, 000)
Drawn by Ted Hatch for Michael Ward to accompany his monograph EVEREST:
A Thousand Years of Exploration (2000)
(Ward2003, p319-327に転載)
"A ROUCH SKETCH of the SPITI-VALLEY BY Captain W. E. Hay, B. A.", Reduced to 1/2 of Original for the Journal As. Soc. B. (1851)
'From Surveys, by Surveyor Gujjar Singh, Survey of India' (Scale 1 / 1,
000, 000)
(Ryder24 付図)
'Sketch Map of Eastern Turkistan Showing the Hydrography of the Pamir to the East, The true courses of the
Yarkand and Karakash Rivers with all the Routes from Ladak across the Karakoram
and adjacent Ranges.'
(Hayward1870 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.
40 (1870)) 付図)
'Sketch Map of the Trans-Indus Countries including Gilgit, Dilail, Yassin &c. by Geo. J. W. Hayward'
(Hayward1871 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. 41 (1871)) 付図)
'Sketch Map of Part of Tibet showing the Explorations and Journeys of Dr. Sven Hedin 1906-1908', (Scale 1: 3, 800, 000)
(Hedin09 (GJ Vol. 33 No. 4 (April, 1909)) 付図)
'The Sources of the Brahmaputra, Sutlej, and Indus by Dr. Sven Hedin', (Scale 1: 800, 000) Compiled by Lieutenant C. J. Otto Kjellstrom, Stanford's
Geographical Establishment, London (1909)
(縮小版がZurick & Pacheco2006, p161に掲載)
'A MAP of TRANS-HIMALAYA by Dr. Sven Hedin', (Scale 1: 1, 500, 000) Compiled by Lieutenant C. J. Otto Kjellstrom,
Stanford's Geographical Establishment, London (1909)
'Kartenskizze von Tatsienlu und Minya Gongkar-Gebirge, 1: 275.000 unter Benutsung einiger Vermessungen von Ed. Imhof, aufgenommen 1930-31
und gezeichnet von Arnold Heim'
(Heim33, 巻末付図 (Tafel III ))
Heim & Gansser38m
'Central Himalayas' (Scale 1: 650, 000) Drawn and Printed by Kummerly &
Frey, Berne
(Heim & Gansser38 付図)
(Scale 16 Miles to One Inch), Published to accompany Captain Herbert's
Report, Journal of the Asiatic Society 1842 VOL XI APPENDIX.
'The Tsung-Ling and the Adjoining Regions according to the Edition 1863
of the TA-CH'ING MAP published in Wu-ch'ang-fu transcribed by Albert Herrmann,
Berlin' (Scale 1:3 000 000)
(Hedin22-Vol.8 付図(PL. XXVII))
'MAP III. THE GEOLOGY of the MOUNT EVEREST REGION from the survey of Dr.
A. M. HERON Geological Survey of India 1921' (Scale 1: 750, 000)
(Heron22 (GJ Vol. 59, No. 6 (June, 1922)) 付図)
"MAP OF NEPAL (1994-95 Edition) Latest Road and Trekking Map", Himalayan Book Sellers, Kathmandu (1994?)
"AROUND ANNAPURNA (Updated Jan. '99)" (Scale 1: 125, 000) Himalayan MapHouse, Kathmandu (1999)
Hoher Hindukusch72m
"Hoher Hindukusch - Koh-e-Keshnikhan -"(Scale 1: 25, 000) Kartographische Anstalt Freytag - Berndt und Artaria, Wien (1972)
'Orographical Map of Afghanistan & Baluchistan' (Scale 1 inch = 96
miles), Compiled by Sir Thomas H. Holdich, K. C. I. E., C. B.
(Holdich1900 (GJ Vol. 16, No. 5 (November, 1900)) 付図)
'Sketch Map of Sikkim and the Nipalese Frontier, to illustrate Dr. Hooker's paper' (Scale 14 miles to 1 inch), Constructed by Augustus Petermann,
E. R. G. S.
(Hooker1850 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.
20 (1850)) 付図)
'Map I Preliminary Map to illustrate the route of the Mount Everest Expedition 1921' (Scale 1/750, 000)
(Howard-Bury22 (GJ Vol. 59, No. 2 (February, 1922)) 付図)
'Map II Preliminary Map of Mount Everest constructed at R. G. S. from photographs
and sketches made by the Expedition of 1921' (Scale 1/100, 000)
(Howard-Bury22 (GJ Vol. 59, No. 2 (February, 1922)) 付図)
'Carte du Bassin de Kosa', relevee par Ernst Huber en 1939
(Roch47b, p104-105に収録)
"KASHMIR and the Northern Part of the PANJAB, by Baron Charles Hugel
1836", Published, for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,
by John Murray, London (1836)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
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"Gruppo del Karakoram (Imalaia). Ghiacciai Baltoro E Godwin-Austen"
(Scale 1: 100, 000) Istituto Geografico Militare (1910)
"K2"(Scale 1: 12, 500) Spedizione Scientifico-Alpinistica Italiana
al Karakorum 1953-1955, Istituto Geografico Militare, Firenze (1957)
"Ghiacciaio Baltoro"(Scale 1: 100, 000) Istituto Geografico Militare, Italy (1969)
"Delhi - Novosibirsk (Asie Feuille n°3)" (Scale 1: 5, 000, 000) Institut Geographique National - France,
Paris, France (1974)
"Singapore - Bombay (Asie Feuille n°5)" (Scale 1: 5, 000, 000) Institut Geographique National - France,
Paris, France (1974)
Imperial Gazetteer09 "Imperial Gazetteer of India: Vol. XXVI Atlas (New Edition)" by J. G. Bartholomew, The Clarendon Press, Oxford (1909) |
** | Imperial Gazetteer09m-30 'Plate 30: Eastern Bengal and Assam with Bhutan'
(Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer09m-31 'Plate 31: The United Provinces' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer09m-33 'Plate 33: North-West Frontier Privince and Kashmir' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer09m-43 'Plate 43: Nepal & Part of Tibet' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer09m-47 'Plate 47: Afghanistan' (Scale 1: 6,000,000) |
*Digital South Asia Libraryで公開 [ http://dsal.uchicago.edu/reference/gazetteer/ ] ****************************************************************************** |
Imperial Gazetteer31 "Imperial Gazetteer of India: Vol. XXVI Atlas (New (Revised) Edition)" by John Bartholomew & Son Ltd., The Clarendon Press, Oxford (1931) |
** | Imperial Gazetteer31m-30 'Plate 30: Bengal with Sikkim' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer31m-32 'Plate 32: Assam with Bhutan' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer31m-33 'Plate 33: The United Provinces' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer31m-35 'Plate 35: North-West Frontier Privince and Kashmir & Jammu' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer31m-45 'Plate 45: Nepal & Part of Tibet' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) Imperial Gazetteer31m-49 'Plate 49: Afghanistan' (Scale 1: 6,000,000) |
*Digital South Asia Libraryで公開 [ http://dsal.uchicago.edu/reference/gazetteer/ ]******************************************************************************* |
Intelligence Branch1896m
"Map of Part of the Chitral Frontier (No. 1,022-I., 96)" (Scale
1: ca. 250, 000), Intelligence Branch, Simla (1896)
"Sikkim (International Travel Maps)" (Scale 1: 140, 000) ITMB Publishing, Canada (2003)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
'Kashmir et Baltistan' (Scale 1: 2, 000, 000), J. Jacot Guillarmod, Neuchatel
'Kangchingjunga' (Scale 1: 50, 000) Charles Jacot-Guillarmod (1914)
(縮小版がFeldmann2005, p6、Feldmann2008a, p44に掲載)
'Karakorum-Himalaya LE CHOGORI ou K2' (Scale 1: 50, 000) Etude Topographique d'apres les cartes et les photographies
des expeditions Eckenstein - Knowles - Pfannl. Dr. Jacot Guillarmod et
de S.A.R. le duc des Abruzzes, etablie en juin 1914 par Ch. Jacot Guillarmod,
ingenieur (1914)
(縮小版がFeldmann2005, p8-9、Feldmann2008a, p43、Feldmann2008bに掲載)
'[East sheet, Makalu area of] Mount Everest and the group of Chomo Lungma' (Scale 1: 63, 360) (縮小版がFeldmann2008bに掲載)
'[West sheet, Everest area of] Mount Everest and the group of Chomo Lungma' (Scale 1: 63, 360)
'Mount Everest and the group of Chomo Lungma' (Scale 1: 63, 360) (Norton25, 付図)
'An attempt to protract Dr. A. Campbell's Route from Darjeeling to Lassa
the Capital of Thibet, as given in the Journal of the Asiatic Society for
April 1848.', Journal of the Asiatic Society (1848)
JOG-1501-1/25 -Series 1501 (Scale 1/ 250, 000) Joint Operations Graphics (JOG), USA |
** | JOG-1501Air-1/25-NG45-3-86m "Taplejung, Nepal; India; China"
(1986), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 1999) JOG-1501Air-1/25-NH44-16-86m "Pokhara, Nepal" (1986), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2000) JOG-1501-1/25-NH45-9-75m 'Sa-Ka-Tsung, Peoples Republic of China; Nepal' (1975), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH45-10-71m "Lei-Lung, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH45-11-72m "La-Tzu-Tsung, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH45-12-74m "Jih-K'a-Tse; Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501Air-1/25-NH45-13-85m "Dhunche, Nepal; China" (1985), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 1997) JOG-1501-1/25-NH45-14-82m "Nyalam, China; Nepal" (1982), Edition 2 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-2-73m "Hei-Ho (Nagchhu Dzong), Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-3-74m "So-Hsien (Sok Gompa), Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-4-73m "Ting-Ch'ing, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-5-73m "Tamshun, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-6-74m "Shun-Ta (Chinda), Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-7-74m "Chia-Li (Lhariguo), Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-8-73m "Pien-Pa, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-9-74m "La-Sa, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-10-73m "Tse-Tang (Tsethang), Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-11-94m "Lin-Chih, Peoples Republic of China" (1994), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-13-78m "Lo-Cha, China; Bhutan" (1978), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH46-14-74m "Lung-Tzu-Tsung, Peoples Republic of China; India" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH46-15-94m "Chin-Tung, Peoples Republic of China" (1994), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH47-1-71m "Ch'ang-Tu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH47-3-85m "Garze, China" (1985), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH47-5-73m "Lo-Lung-Tsung, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH47-6-74m "Kung-Hsien, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH47-7-74m "「I-Tun」; Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 2 JOG-1501-1/25-NH47-8-74m "K'ang-Ting, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NH47-9-77m "Jan-Wu, China; India" (1977), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH47-10-72m "Yen-Ching, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH47-11-72m "Tao-Ch'eng, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH47-12-71m "Chiu-Lung, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501Air-1/25-NH47-13-67m "Ch'a-Yu, China 察隅 中華民國" (1967), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH47-15-72m "Te-Jung, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NH47-16-71m "Lu-Ning, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501Air-1/25-NI43-2-81m "Gilgit, Pakistan" (1981), Edition 3 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) JOG-1501Air-1/25-NI43-3-88m "Skardu, Pakistan; China" (1988), Edition 2 JOG-1501C-1/25-NI43-4-86m "Chulung, Pakistan; China; India" (1986), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2002) JOG-1501(A)-1/25-NI43-8-66m "Leh, Jammu and Kashmir" (1966), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-1-83m "Aksai Chin, Area in Dispute; China; India" (1983), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI44-4-71m "Ma-K'o-Ha Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI44-5-94m "Shyok, Jammu and Kashmir; China" (1994), Edition 1 JOG-1501Air-1/25-NI44-6-89m "Lungmu Co, China; India" (1989), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-7-74m "Ya-Hsi-Erh Ts'o, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI44-8-72m "T'o-Ho-P'ing Ts'o, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-9-83m "Chushul, Jammu and Kashmir; China" (1983), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-10-74m "Jih-T'u, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-11-74m "Ch'ang-Mu-Ch'u, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI44-12-71m "Lieh-Mu-Ch'ung Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-13-83m "Tso Morari, Jammu and Kashmir; China; India" (1983), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI44-14-76m "Ka-Erh, Peoples Republic of China" (1976), Edition 2 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI44-16-72m "Lung-Ko-Erh Hu, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-2-71m "I-Chi-T'ai Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-3-71m "Lo-Ch'ui Hu (Red Cliff Lake), China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-4-71m "Chin-Ao-Ssu-Ka-Erh Shan; China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-5-72m "La-Shun Hu; China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-6-71m "K'o-Shun Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-7-71m "Ya-K'o Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-8-73m "Meng-T'o-K'o-Lo-Mu Hu (Lake Montcalm), Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-9-72m "La-K'o Hu, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-11-71m "Sa-Erh-Lo-Ka Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-12-71m "Ch'ih-Pu-Chang Hu, West, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-13-72m "Kai-Tse, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-14-71m "P'ei-Te-Li-K'o-Ssu Hu, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-15-72m "Ch'a-Ching Ts'o, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI45-16-72m "Ta-Erh-Cho, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI46-1-71m "K'o-K'o-Hsi-Li Hu; China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-2-74m "Ho-T'ung Hu, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-3-74m "Pu-Tung-Ch'uan, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI46-4-72m "Ch'a-Han-T'o-Hai, China" (1972), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI46-5-71m "Wu-Lan-Wu-La Hu; China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-6-74m "T'o-T'o-Ho-Yen, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-7-73m "Cha-Ho-Hsiao-Ko, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-8-73m "Ch'u-Ma-Lai, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI46-9-71m "Ch'ih-Pu-Chang Hu (Chibchang Tsho) East, China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-10-74m "T'ung-T'ien-Ho-Yen, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-11-74m "K'a-Erh-P'o-Ts'o-Tzu, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI46-13-73m "Na-Mu-Lu Hu, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-14-73m "An-To, Peoples Republic of China" (1973), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-15-74m "Pa-Ch'ing, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501-1/25-NI46-16-74m "Tsa-To 「Yu-Yu-Jih-Pen」, Peoples Republic of China" (1974), Edition 1 JOG-1501(G)-1/25-NI47-13-71m "Yu-Shu (Jyekundo), China" (1971), Edition 1 JOG-1501C-1/25-NJ42-16-81m "Jorn, Afghanistan; Pakistan; USSR" (1981), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NGA, 2005) JOG-1501Air-1/25-NJ43-9-91m "Garmchasma, Soviet Union; Afghanistan" (1991), Edition 2 JOG-1501Air-1/25-NJ43-13-89m "Mastuj, Pakistan; Afghanistan; Soviet Union" (1989), Edition 2 (Reprinted by NGA, 2004) JOG-1501Air-1/25-NJ43-14-89m "Baltit, Pakistan; Afghanistan; China" (1989), Edition 2 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) JOG-1501C-1/25-NJ43-15-84m "Shimshal, Pakistan; China" (1984), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) |
'Map of the Country between Leh and Ilchi, Showing the routes taken by Mr. Johnson, Civil Assistant, Great Trigonometrical
Survey in 1865'
(Johnson1867, 付図)
(from "Royal Atlas of Modern Geography" [by Alexander Keith Johnston, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and
London (1878)])
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
"THE KINGDOM OF SIKKIM By Pradyumna P. Karan, University of Kentucky, 1967"
(Scale 1/253,440) To accompany BHUTAN: A PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY, by Pradyumna P. Karank published by the University of Kentucky Press (1967)
"THE KINGDOM OF SIKKIM By Pradyumna P. Karan, University of Kentucky, 1969" (Scale 1/150,000) Lithographed by Gateway Press, Inc., Louisville,
Ky., USA (1969)
Karto Atelier96m1
"PIK LENIN" (Scale 1/100, 000) Karto Atelier, Switzerland (1996)
Karto Atelier96m2
"1 NEPAL - Kathmandu Helambu Langtang Everest - " (Scale 1/250, 000) Karto Atelier, Switzerland (1996)
1935-6 (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)'
(Kaulback38 (GJ Vol. 91, No. 2 (February, 1938)), 付図)
'Northern Sikkim to illustrate the paper by Dr. A. M. Kellas' (Scale 1/300, 000) (Kellas12 (GJ Vol. 40, No. 3 (September, 1912)) 付図)
'MAP OF NORTHERN SIKKIM with adjacent portions of TIBET and NEPAL to illustrate a paper on "The
Mountains of Northern Sikkim" by A. M. KELLAS.'
(AJ Vol. 26-No. 195 (May 1912) 付図)
"Chogo-Lungma-Glacier in Baltistan (Karakorum)" (Scale 1/100, 000) Wilhelm Kick, Regensburg, West Germany (1954)
'Chogo Lungma Glacier, Baltistan' (Kick56 (GJ Vol. 122, No. 1 (March, 1956)), 付図)
'Map to illustrate the paper by F. Kingdon Ward on The Snow Mountains of Yunnan' (Scale 1: 2, 000, 000)
(Kingdon-Ward24 (GJ Vol. 64, No. 3 (September, 1924) 付図)
'Map showing the Plane-table and Compass Traverse by F. Kingdon Ward and Earl Cawdor in SOUTH-EASTEN TIBET'
(Kingdon-Ward26 (GJ Vol. 67, No. 2 (February, 1926) 付図)
'TIBET / THE HIMALAYA EAST OF THE TSANGPO by F. Kingdon Ward' (Scale 1/500 000)
(Kingdon-Ward & Malcolm34 (GJ Vol. 84, No. 5 (November, 1934) 付図))
'Botanical and geographical explorations in Tibet, 1935 by F. Kingdon Ward'
(Scale 1/1, 500, 000)
(Kingdon-Ward36 (GJ Vol. 88, No. 5 (November, 1936) 付図))
'REVISED SKETCH MAP OF THE COURSE OF THE SANGPO', (Scale 1 inch=12 Miles) Published under the
direction of Colonel H. R. Thuillier, R. E., Surveyor General of India
'SKETCH MAP ILLUSTRATING THE COURSE OF THE TSANG-PO FROM INFORMATION COLLECTED BY KINTHUP IN 1880-84', (Scale 1/ 1, 000, 000) Heliozincographed at the Survey of India Offices,
Dehra Dun (1916)
'REVISED SKETCH MAP OF THE COURSE OF THE TSANG-PO BASED ON THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY RINZIN NIMGYL IN 1889', (Scale 1/ 1, 000, 000) Heliozincographed at the Survey of India Offices,
Dehra Dun (1916)
"Hindoostan.", Published as the Act directs by Robt. Kirkwood
Edinburgh (1817)
* from David Rumsei Collection
Kishen Singh 15m1
'Map to Illustrate the Report on the Trans-Himalayan Explorations in Great Tibet to the North of the Brahmaputra River made by Pandit Kishen Singh 1872' (Scale 1 / 1,
013, 760) (1915)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. IV として転載される)
Kishen Singh 15m2
'Map to Illustrate the Route of Explorer Kishen Singh in Western Tibet Made in Connection with the Mission to Yarkand and Kashgar in 1873-74' (Scale 1 / 2, 027, 520) (1915)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. VI として転載される)
Kishen Singh 16m
'Revised Sketch Map Illustrating the Explorations of Kishen Singh in Great Tibet and Mongolia in 1879-1882 Sheet No. 1' (Scale 1 Inch = 24 Miles), Hellozincographed at the Survey of India,
Dehra Dun (1916)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. XIV として転載される)
Kishen Singh 16m2
'Revised Sketch Map Illustrating the Explorations of Kishen Singh in Great Tibet and Mongolia in 1879-1882 Sheet No. 2' (Scale 1 Inch = 24 Miles), Hellozincographed at the Survey of India,
Dehra Dun (1916)
"The Karakoram Highway" (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000) John Callanan
'Carte du Cours Inferieur du Yarou Dzangbo Tchou', Par J. Klaproth (1828)
(Klaproth1828 付図)
(この地図は次のURLで閲覧可能[URL: https://www.oldworldauctions.com/catalog/lot/161/693 ] (2022/7現在)。
"CARTE DE L'ASIE CENTRALE, dressée d'aprés les Cartes levées par ordre DE L'EMPERUR KHIAN LOUNG, Par les Missionnires de Pe King, et d'aprés un grand nombre de notions extraites et traduites de livres chinois PAR M. J. KLAPROTH. 1836"
Publiée par L. BERTHE, Editeur de Géographie, Rue des Noyers, No.46. P.DUFART
Libraire, Quai Malaquais No.7. PARIS (1836)
(この地図はフランス国立図書館(BnF)で公開されている[URL: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b53093247k ] (2022/7現在)。
Kostka et. al. 96m
"ANNAPURNA SATTREK MAP, NEPAL - Satellite Image Trekking Map -" (Scale 1/250, 000), Published by CARTOCONSULT, Austria (1996?)
Kreitner1884 "Atlas zur Reiseroute in Ost-Asien 1877 bis 1880 des Grafen Bela Szechenyi" (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000) Ausgeführt im K.K. Militärgeografischen Institute in Wien (1884) |
** | Kreitner1884m-BIV 'BIV: Geographical map. Tibet' Kreitner1884m-BV 'BV: Geographical map. Prov. Yunnan' |
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開 [ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)************************************************************************ |
'Das Massiv des Kangchendzonga (Himalaya)' (Scale 1: 100, 000) Marcel Kurz
(Dyhrenfurth31付図。Dyhrenfurth31, p187-215に解説あり)
(この地図はAJ Vol. 44-No. 244 (May 1932)に転載される)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
'This Map Illustrates the Report on Explorer Lala's Route through Sikkim and Great Tibet via Shigatse and Tsetang and from Shigatse to Kalimpong via Gyantse Dzong and Phari in 1875-76' (Scale 1/1, 013, 760) (1916)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. IX として転載される)
Laltan Khan31m
'Trace Showing Route of EXPEDITION TO KAMET 1920 from Surveys by Mr. Laltan Khan' (Scale 1/2 inch to 1 mile)
(AJ Vol. 43-No. 243 (November 1931) 付図)
"Carte de l'Empire Chinois et du Japon"
Dressee par M. Lapie, Lt. Colonel et Lapie fils, Capitaine d'Etat Major,
Paris (1832)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
"Carte de l'Empire Chinois et du Japon"
Dressee par M. Lapie, Colonel et M. Lapie fils, Chef d'Escon. d'Etat Major,
Paris (1851)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
Leomann Maps87m1
"Indian Himalaya Maps Sheet 8 - Kumaon - Garhwal (U. P. Himalaya): Pindari Glacier, Badrinath and Nanda
Devi area -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1987)
Leomann Maps87m2
"Indian Himalaya Maps Sheet 2 - Jammu & Kashmir: Kargil, Zanskar & Nun-Kun area -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1987)
Leomann Maps89m
"Indian Himalaya Maps Sheet 6 - Himachal Pradesh: Kalpa-Kinnaur, Spiti and Shimla area -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1989)
Leomann Maps90m
"Karakoram Maps Sheet 2 - Skardu, Hispar, Biafo area -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1990)
Leomann Maps92m
"Karakoram Maps Sheet 4 - Siachen, Rimo, Saser Kangri area -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1992)
Leomann Maps95m1
"Nepal Himalaya Maps Sheet 4 - Annapurna, Machhapuchhare, Marsyangdi, Muktinath area -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1995)
Leomann Maps95m2
"Nepal Himalaya Maps Sheet 3 - Kanjiroba East, Tibrikot, Dolpo, Dhaulagri area -" (Scale 1: 200,000) Leomann Maps, England (1995)
Leomann Maps98m
"Indian Himalaya Maps Sheet 5 - Himachal Pradesh: Kullu Valley, Parbati Valley & Central Lahul -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (1998)
Leomann Maps2000m
"Karakoram Maps Sheet 3 - K2, Baltoro, Gasherbrum, Masherbrum, Saltoro Groups - Second Edition" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (2000)
Leomann Maps2000m2
"Nepal Himalaya Maps Sheet 2 - Mid-West Nepal, Jumla/Rara, Saipal, Sisne Himal, Gorakh Himal -" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (2000)
Leomann Maps2001m
"Nepal Himalaya Maps Sheet 1 - Far West Nepal, Api - Nampa, Seti River, Manasarovar (Tibet), East Kumaon,
Panch Churi, Darma / Dhauli Valley (India)-" (Scale 1: 200, 000) Leomann Maps, England (2001)
Letts1883 "Letts's Popular Atlas" (Letts. Son & Co. Limited, London, 1883) |
** | Letts1883m-84 'India' p84 (Scale 1: 8,553,600) Letts1883m-92 'Statistical & General Map of India No.8' p92 (Scale 1: 2,217,600) Letts1883m-94 'Statistical & General Map of India No.10' p94 (Scale 1: 2,217,600) Letts1883m-95 'Statistical & General Map of India No.11' p95 (Scale 1: 2,217,600) Letts1883m-103 'Russia in Asia, Turkestan, &c. No.1' p103 (Scale 1: 10,454,400) |
*David Rumsey Map Collectionで公開 [ http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/view/all ]************************************************************************** |
Linsbauer71 "Hindu Kush-i-Boland, High Hindu Kush", drawn by Alfred Linsbauer after sketch maps of Polish expeditions and other (1971) |
** | Linsbauer71m1 'sheet Qazi Deh' (Scale 1: 100, 000) Linsbauer71m2 'sheet Lunkho' (Scale 1: 100, 000) Linsbauer71m3 'sheet Tirich Mir' (Scale 1: 100, 000) |
** | |
Linsbauer71 "Hindu Kush-i-Boland-Hindraj, High Hindu Kush", drawn by Alfred Linsbauer after sketch maps of Polish expeditions and other (1971) |
Linsbauer71m4 'sheet Koyo Zom' (Scale 1: 100, 000) |
'Route across Tibet from Cherchen to Tengri Nor and Leh, Surveyed by St. GeorgeR. Littledale 1895 : - Map (A) -' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Littledale1896 (GJ Vol. 7, No. 5 (May, 1896)) 付図 (A))
'Route across Tibet from Cherchen to Tengri Nor and Leh, Surveyed by St. GeorgeR. Littledale 1895 : - Map (B) -' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Littledale1896 (GJ Vol. 7, No. 5 (May, 1896)) 付図 (B))
'Route across Tibet from Cherchen to Tengri Nor and Leh, Surveyed by St. GeorgeR. Littledale 1895 : - Map (C) -' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Littledale1896 (GJ Vol. 7, No. 5 (May, 1896)) 付図 (C))
'Explorations in the Eastern Karakoram by T. G. Longstaff, M. A., M. D. 1909' (Scale 1: 500, 000)
(Longstaff10 (GJ Vol. 35, No. 6 (June, 1910)) 付図)
'India, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, Birmah, & C.',
(from "Lowry's Table Atlas" [ by J. W. Lowry, Chapman & Hall, London (1850)])
'Sketch Map of Eastern Himalaya' (Ludlow40 (HJ Vol. 12) 付図)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
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"Northern Area Pakistan -Map1: Gilgit, Ghizer, Diamar, Skardu, Ghangche"(Scale 1 : 500, 000), Prepared by Prof. Manzoom Ali, Jalalabad, District
Gilgit Northern Area Pakistan, Revised Edition 2004
"Northern Area Pakistan -Map2: Chitral, Dir, Swat, Kohistan, Kaghan, Murree, Bunair, Malakand,
Swabi, Batgram, Shangla, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Haripur, Mardan"(Scale 1 : 500, 000), Edited by Prof. Manzoom Ali, Head of Geography
Department Govt. Postgraduate College Gilgit Northern Area Pakistan, Revised
Edition 2004
'Sketch Map of a Portion of the Northern Frontier of India' (Scale 1: 380,
160) Kenneth Mason, R. W. G. Hingston et. al., Survey of India?, Dehra
Dun (1914)
'Routes in the Western Himalaya, Kashmir, &c., Chart to 1/M Sheet No.
52' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Mason22, 付図)
'Preliminary Map of the Shaksgam Valley & Aghil Range 1926' (Scale
1: 250, 000)
(Mason27 (GJ Vol. 69, No. 4), 付図)
(この地図はAJ Vol. 39-No. 235 (November 1927)に転載される)
'Stereographic Survey of the Shaksgam with the Photo-Theodolite and Autograph of Mr. Henry Wild'
(Mason27b (GJ Vol. 70, No. 4), 付図)
'Shaksgam & Upper Yarkand Valleys - Karakoram Himalaya -' (Scale 1:
253, 440) (1928)
(Mason2004, 付図)
Master Topo2013m
"K2 and Baltoro Glacier in the Karakorum Satellite Image Map 1: 80,
000 (Second Edition)", Master Topo (2013)
'Tirich Mir and Adjacent Regions, Hindu Kush Range (ティリチ・ミール周辺地形概念図)',
Compiled and Drawing by Y. Matsumoto (1970)
(日本ヒンズー・クシュ、カラコラム会議74, 付録地図)
'Kanjut Sar - Regione del Ghiacciaio HISPAR, Karakorum -' (Scale 1: 50, 000) Edited by P. Meciani (1959)
(Monzino61, 付図)
"MAP of the CENTRAL TIAN SHAN illustrationg the journeys of the Merzbacher
Expedition 1902-03. / Based upon the Russian 40 Versts Map and surveys
and observations made during the expedition, compiled by Dr. Gottfried
Merzbacher." (Scale 1: 1 000 000) Published by the Royal Geographical
Society, Gotha: Justus Perthes 1905., Printed in Germany.
MGW1874 "General-Karte von CENTRAL-ASIEN : bearbeitet nach den besten und neusten RUSSISCHEN u. ENGLISHEN QUELLEN im K. K. milit. geografischen Institute in Wien 1874: Blatt Nro IX" Published by K. K. milit. geografischen Institute, Wien (1874) |
** | MGW1874m-VI 'Blatt Nro VI' MGW1874m-IX 'Blatt Nro IX' |
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館のHP [URL: http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g7420m.gct00290 ]で公開されている(2016.9現在)。 |
Milne-Hinks map52m
'Mt Everest 1933-46. The southern face and region south of Mt Everest from
photographs taken on Mt Everest flight, 1933',
Drawn by H F Milne, Royal Geographical Society, Lithographs printed by
the War Office in 1952
(Ward2003, p176-177に転載)
'Map of the Route from Badakshan across the Pamir-Steppe to Kashgar with the Southern Branch of the Upper Oxus from the Survey made by the Mirza in 1868-69 to accompany the Paper by
Major T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.G.S.' (1871)
(Montgomerie1871 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
Vol. 41 (1871)) 付図)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 26 として転載される)
Montgomerie & Pundit 1868m
'Map Showing the Route Survey from NEPAL TO LHASA and thence through the Upper Valley of the Brahmaputra Made by Pundit ___ from the Map compiled by Capt. T. G. Montgomerie, R.
E.', Published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (1868)
(Montgomerie & Pundit 1868 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. 38 (1868)) 付図)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 38として転載される)
'Summer Route from LEH (LADAK) to the CITY of YARKUND. by Captn. T. G.
Montgomerie, R. E.'
(Montgomerie1866 ("Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
Vol. 36 (1866)") 付図 (To face page 157))
former Kashmir Route Map)", (Scale 1/2027520) Compiled by Major T.
G. Montgomerie, Published under the orders of Major T. G. Montgomerie,
R.E., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., &C., Offc, Superintendent Great Trigonometrical
Survey of India. (1873)
* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
'Map showing Routes of Native Explorers in Tibet and Nepal to Illustrate the Papers by Mr. Markham, & Liut. Colonel T. G. Montgomerie'
(Markham1875, Montgomerie1875a, b, c ("Journal of the Royal Geographical
Society of London, Vol. 45 (1875)" 付図)
'Plan of A TOUR To CHINESE TATARY. By William Moorcroft Esq: in 1812',
Published at London 10th April 1816 by Asiatic Society of Calcutta
(Pahar で公開)
'Map of Tibet illustrating the journeys of General Prejevalsky'
(Morgan1887 (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly
Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 9, No. 4 (April, 1887)) 付図)
'Chinese Turkistan, showing the surveys and routes of Col. M. B. Pevtsof and K. I. Bogdanovitch' (Scale 1/3, 800, 000)
(Morgan1893 (GJ Vol. 2, No. 1 (July, 1893)) 付図)
'N. W. Frontier of India / Map of Valleys and Glaciers in Hunza' (Scale
1/400, 000), by Captn. C. J. Morris, 3rd Q. A. O. Gurkha Rifles 1927 (Morris28
(GJ Vol. 71, No. 6 (June, 1928)) 付図)
'Hispar - Biafo Gralcier Regions (Karakoram Himalaya)' (Scale 1/253, 440),
Surveyed by Members of E. E. Shipton's Krarakoram Expedition 1939 (Mott50
(GJ Vol. 116, No. 1/3 (July-September, 1950)) 付図)
Mullah 1876m
'Sketch Map Constructed to Illustrate Explorations made in Connection with the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India by Mullah ___. in 1876' (Scale 1 / 760320) (1876?)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 29 として転載される)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
Nain Singh 15m1
'Sheet I of Map Illustratin the Report on Pandit Nain Singh's Route through Great Tibet from Ladakh to Assam via the Tengri Nor (Lake)
and Lhasa in 1873-74-75' (Scale 1 / 1, 520, 640) (1915)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. VII として転載される)
Nain Singh 15m2
'Sheet II of Map Illustratin the Report on Pandit Nain Singh's Route through Great Tibet from Ladakh to Assam via the Tengri Nor (Lake)
and Lhasa in 1873-74-75' (Scale 1 / 1, 520, 640) (1915)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. VIII として転載される)
Nain Singh 16m
'Route Survey from Nepal to Lhasa by Pandit Nain Singh, C.I.E. (the Pandit) 1865-6' (Scale
1 / 1, 013, 760), Compiled from the Original Materials by Captain T.G.
Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.G.S., G. T. Survey of India (1916)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. I として転載される)
National Geographic12m
"Map of China and its Territories", (Scale 1 / 10, 000, 000)
Prepared by J. G. Bartholomew - Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Editor (October,
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic33m
"Asia and Adjacent Regions", (Scale 1 / 15, 000, 000) Compiled
and Drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society
for the National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (December, 1933)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic42m
"Asia and Adjacent Areas", (Scale 1 / 17, 500, 000) Compiled
and Drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society
for the National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (December, 1942)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic44m
"Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - International boundaries according to Russian treaties and claims are
of October 1, 1944 Boundaries of January 1, 1938, are shown in red. -", (Scale 1 / 9, 000, 000) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (December, 1944)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic45m
"China", (Scale 1 / 7, 000, 000) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (June, 1945)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic46m
"India and Burma", (Scale 1 / 6, 000, 000) Compiled and Drawn
in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the
National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (April, 1946)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic51m
"Asia and Adjacent Areas", (Scale 1 / 15, 000, 000) Compiled
and Drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society
for the National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (March, 1951)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic52m1
"Southwest Asia - India, Pakistan, and Northeast Africa", (Scale 1 / 75, 000, 000) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (June, 1952)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic52m2
"The Far East", (Scale 1 / 7, 500, 000) Compiled and Drawn in
the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National
Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (September, 1952)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic59m
"Asia and Adjacent Areas -Atlas Plate 44: December 1959", (Scale 1 / 21, 225, 600) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Division of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (December, 1959)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic63m
"Southwest -Atlas Plate 48: May 1963", (Scale 1 / 8, 236, 800) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Division of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (May, 1963)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic64m
"China -Atlas Plate 50: November 1964", (Scale 1 / 6, 652, 800) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Division of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (November, 1964)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic67m
"Eastern Soviet Union -Atlas Plate 46: March 1967", (Scale 1 / 11, 404, 800) Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic
Division of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (March, 1967)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic71m
"Asia", (Scale 1 / 13, 812, 480) Produced in the Cartographic
Division, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Magazine, Washington,
D. C. (March, 1971)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic76m
"Soviet Union", (Scale 1 / 10, 140, 000) Produced by the Cartographic
Division, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Magazine, Washington,
D. C. (February, 1976)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic80m
"The People's Republic of China", (Scale 1 / 6, 000, 000) Produced
by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society, National Geographic
Magazine, Washington, D. C. (July, 1980)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic84m
"South Asia with Afghanistan and Burma", (Scale 1 / 6, 522, 000)
Produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society, National
Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C. (December, 1984)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic90m
"Soviet Union", (Scale 1 / 10, 140, 000) Produced by the Cartographic
Division, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Magazine, Washington,
D. C. (March, 1990)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic91m
"China", (Scale 1 / 7, 819, 000) Produced by the Cartographic
Division, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Magazine, Washington,
D. C. (July, 1991)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic97m
"South Asia with Afghanistan and Myanmar", (Scale 1 / 7, 345,
000) Produced by National Geographic Maps for National Geographic Magazine,
National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C. (May, 1997)
*National Geographic Map Collectionで公開 (2010.10現在)
[ http://www.ngmapcollection.com/Index.aspx ]
National Geographic 3001-2000m
"AdventureMap 3001 -Everest Base Camp" (Scale 1: 50, 000) National Geographic Society, USA (2000)
National Geographic 3002-2000m
"AdventureMap 3002 -Khumbu" (Scale 1: 125, 000) National Geographic Society, USA (2000)
National Geographic 3003-2000m
"AdventureMap 3003 -Annapurna" (Scale 1: 135, 000) National Geographic Society, USA (2000)
National Geographic 3004-2000m
"AdventureMap 3004 -Langtang" (Scale 1: 125, 000) National Geographic Society, USA (2000)
Nelles Map2010m
"Himalaya - Tibet / Kashmir / Nepal/ Sikkim / Bhutan -" (Scale 1: 1, 500, 000) Nelles Verlag GmbH, Munchen (2010)
Nem Singh 15m
'CONJECTURAL SKETCH OF THE COUNTRY TO THE SOUTH OF THE LOWER PORTION OF THE GREAT TSAN-PO RIVER OF TIBET; The line thus ___ shows the route taken by NEM SINGH 1878-79' (Scale, 32 Miles to an Inch.) (1915)
"NEPAL - Western Sheet -" (Scale 1: 500, 000) Survey Department H. M. G., Nepal (1985)
"NEPAL - Central Sheet -" (Scale 1: 500, 000) Survey Department H. M. G., Nepal (1985)
"NEPAL - Eastern Sheet -" (Scale 1: 500, 000) Survey Department H. M. G., Nepal (1985)
Nepal Map *(Scale 1: 50, 000) Survey Department of His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Survey of India |
** | 'No. 62F/7' (1974) 'No. 62G/5' (1967) 'No. 62K/11' (1966) 'No. 62P/2' (1964) 'No. 62P/5' (1967) 'No. 62P/6' (1964) 'No. 62P/10' (1964) 'No. 62P/14' (1963) 'No. 62P/15' (1959) 'No. 71D/3' (1960) 'No. 71H/16' (1975) 'No. 72I/13' (1967) 'No. 72M/1' (1967) |
Nepal Map *(Scale 1: 50, 000) Survey Department of His Majesty's Government of Nepal |
** | 278602-97m "Gaurishankar Himal" (1997) 278603-96m "Namche Bajar" (1996) 278604-97m "Sagarmatha" (1997) 278607-96m "Lukla" (1996) 278701-97m "Mount Makalu" (1997) 278704-97m "Yanma" (1997) 278801-97m "Jhinsan Peak" (1997) 278805-97m "Kanchanjangha" (1997) 288201-2001m "Dhime" (2001) 288202-2001m "Radi Jyula" (2001) 288203-2001m "Sisne" (2001) 288204-2001m "Dunai" (2001) 288208-2001m "Takagau" (2001) 288301-2001m "Chhedhul Gumba" (2001) 288302-2001m "Mukot" (2001) 288303-2001m "Jomsom" (2001) 288304-2001m "Muktinath" (2001) 288305-2001m "Gurjakhani" (2001) 288306-2001m "Lamsun" (2001) 288307-2001m "Koban" (2001) 288308-2001m "Tilicho" (2001) 288312-2001m "Ghandruk" (2001) 288402-2001m "Phugau Ghomion" (2001) 288405-2001m "Chame" (2001) 288406-2001m "Bagarchhap" (2001) 288407-2001m "Samagau" (2001) 288408-2001m "Namrun" (2001) 288409-2001m "Lamjun Himal" (2001) 288410-2001m "Bahundada" (2001) 288411-2001m "Simi" (2001) 288412-2001m "Philim" (2001) 288505-2001m "Nile" (2001) 288509-97m "Ganesh Himal" (1997) 288510-96m "Rasuwagadhi" (1996) 288511-97m "Lantan Lirun" (1997) 288513-97m "Somdan" (1997) 288514-97m "Gosainkhund" (1997) 288515-96m "Lantan" (1996) 288516-97m "Dorle Pahad" (1997) 288615-97m "Pasan Lhamu Chuli" (1997) 288616-97m "Pumori" (1997) 298002-2001m "Dattu" (2001) 298003 & 308015-2001m "Khalanga Bajar (Darchula)" (2001) 298004-2001m "Khandeshwari" (2001) 298008-2001m "Khiratadi" (2001) 298101-2001m "Chhetti" (2001) 298102-2001m "Saingau" (2001) 298103-2001m "Chyachaur" (2001) 298105-2001m "Chainpur (Bajhan)" (2001) 298106-2001m "Talkot" (2001) 298107-2001m "Kolti" (2001) 298108-2001m "Dhaina" (2001) 298110-2001m "Martadi" (2001) 298111-2001m "Nanikot" (2001) 298112-2001m "Khin" (2001) 298115-2001m "Khadachakra" (2001) 298116-2001m "Rachuli" (2001) 298204 & 298208-2001m "Phophagau" (2001) 298205-2001m "Phoksundo Tal" (2001) 298206-2001m "Mangri" (2001) 298207-2001m "Mugu" (2001) 298209-2001m "Khalanga Bajar (Jumla)" (2001) 298210-2001m "Dillichaur" (2001) 298211-2001m "Kanjirowa Himal" (2001) 298212-2001m "Bhijer" (2001) 298214-2001m "Sarmi" (2001) 298215-2001m "Kaigau" (2001) 298216-2001m "Gamgadhi" (2001) 298306-2001m "Chala Bhanjyan" (2001) 298310-2001m "Tinje" (2001) 298311 & 298315-2001m "Araniko Chuli" (2001) 298312-2001m "Panlham" (2001) 298313-2001m "Dho" (2001) 298316-2001m "Lomanthan" (2001) 298409-2001m "Gamaar" (2001) 298413-2001m "Damodar Kunda" (2001) 308016-2001m "Tinkar" (2001) 308110-2001m "Nalakankar Bhanjyan" (2001) 308111-2001m "Takchhe" (2001) 308114-2001m "Hilsa" (2001) 308209-2001m "Chanla Bhanjyan" (2001) 308213-2001m "Chanla Himal" (2001) 308214-2001m "Asajya Tuppa" (2001) |
Nepal-China border maps79m (尼中边界第一次联合検査议定书附图) *Scale 1: 50, 000 (1979) 尼泊尔国王陛下政府全权代表 - 中华人民共和国全权代表 |
** | - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 32 - 35 - 37 - 39 - 45 - 46 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 56 - 57 |
******************************************************************* |
Nepa Maps 99m
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"Dhaulagiri - Edition April 2000" (Scale 1/87, 500) Himalayan MapHouse Pvt. Ltd. (2000)
Nepa Maps 2000m2
"Panchase" (Scale 1/50, 000), Himalayan MapHouse Pvt. Ltd. (2000?)
Nepa Maps 2001m1
"Everest Base Camp" (Scale 1/50, 000), Himalayan MapHouse Pvt.
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"Tibet - Nepal - Sikkim - Bhutan -" (Scale 1/2, 400, 000), Himalayan
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"Rolwaling Himal (Gaurisankar): Nepal - Kartenwerk der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nr. 4"(Scale 1/50, 000) Edited by Research Scheme Nepal Himalaya, Germany,
Edition (1992)
"Annapurna: Nepal - Kartenwerk der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nr. 9" (Scale 1/100, 000) Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung, Germany (1993)
"Khumbu Himal: Nepal - Kartenwerk der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung
Nr. 2" (Scale 1/50, 000) Edited by Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur vergleichende
Hochgebirgsforschung, Munchen, First Edition (1965), Edition (1999)
'Ghondokoro and Chogolisa Glaciers-Karakoram Range - Based upon a survey by J. F. Noxon and members of the 1955 Harvard Karakoram
Expedition with additional detail of the Baltoro Glacier area from the
1929 Spoleto Survey - ' (Noxon64 (AAJ 1964), 付図)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
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ONC-1/100 - (Scale 1/ 1, 000, 000) Operational Navigation Chart (ONC), the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (ACIC), USA |
** | ONC-1/100-G-6-66m "Afghanistan, China, Iran, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan,
U.S.S.R." (1966), Edition 3 ONC-1/100-G-7-66m "Afghanistan, China, India, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, U.S.S.R." (1966), Edition 2 ONC-1/100-G-8-69m "China" (1969), Edition 2 |
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Lieut Colonel J.C.Dalton, R.A., D.A.A.G. 1892,
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Photozincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1893.
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PC-1/50 - (Scale 1/ 500, 000) USAF Pilotage Chart (PC), the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (ACIC), USA |
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(Scale 1/3, 700, 000) Leitung: Prof. Paul Langhans, Published by Petermanns
Geographische Mitteilungen; Justus Perthes, Gotha, Germany (1910) (in Germany)
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Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March, 1884)) 付図)
Profsport Alpine Department89m
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70, 000)", Управление Альпинизма, Moscow, USSR (1989)
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000", Polski Zwiazek Alpinizmu, (2004)
*改訂版がMaster Topo2013mとして発行されている
Quarter-inch Map ** Indian Atlas Quarter Sheet Series (Scale 1: 253, 440) |
*** | Quarter-inch Map-27A-NE-1872m '27A-NE: Part of Baltistan or Little Tibet', Published by John Walker, Geographer to the Secretary of State for India
in Council, May 1st, 1872 Quarter-inch Map-27A-SE-1868m '27A-SE: Part of Baltistan or Little Tibet', Published according to Act of Parliament by John Walker, Geographer to the Secretary of State for India in Council, July 15th, 1868 Quarter-inch Map-44A-NW-1872m '44A-NW: Part of Baltistan or Little Tibet', Published by John Walker, Geographer to the Secretary of State for India in Council, May 1st, 1872 Quarter-inch Map-44A-SE-1873m '44A-SE: Parts of Baltistan and Ladak', Published by order of the Secretary of State for India in Council, June, 1873 Quarter-inch Map-44A-SW-1868m '44A-SW: Part of Baltistan or Little Tibet', Published according to Act of Parliament by John Walker, Geographer to the Secretary of State for India in Council, July 15th, 1868 Quarter-inch Map-45-NE-1875m '45NE: Parts of Nubra and Ladak (Kashmir)', Published by order of the Secretary of State for India in Council, Octr, 1875 Quarter-inch Map-66-NE-1894m '66NE: Parts of Districts Almora and Garhwal (N. W. Provinces) and Hundes, (Tibet)', Published by authority of the Government of India under the direction of Major-General J. T. Walker C. B.-R. E.-F. R. S., Surveyor General of India, Surveyor Generals Office Calcutta, April, 1881, with additions to 1894 |
xx | * | xx | ||
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* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
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'Part of Western Tibet' (Scale 1: 500, 000)
(Rawling05 (GJ Vol. 25, No. 4) 付図)
"Ubersichts-Karte von Ost-Hoch-Asien / zu C. Ritter's Erdkund, Buch
II. Ost Asien, Theil II ... VII, entworfen v. J.L. Grimm, bearb. v H. Mahlmann;
herausgegeben von C. Ritter und O'Etzel ." Verlag von G. Reimer, Berlin
*この地図はAmerican Geographical Society Library Digital Map CollectionのHP [URL:
https://uwm.edu/libraries/digital-collections/copyright-digcoll/ ]で公開されている(2021.10現在)。
"tibet"(Scale 1: 1, 500, 000) Reise Know - How Verlag Peter Rump
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Inscribed to Sir JOSEPH BANKS Bart, PRESIDENT of the ROYAL SOCIETY &c,
&c, By his much obliged & faithful Friend & Servant, London
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SEA -1788-", Publish'd according to Act of Parliament by J. Rennell
"The Hindu Kush and Passes between the Kabul and Oxus" (Scale
24 Miles to 1 Inch), Published for the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical
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"Part of Central Asia: showing the territory between Zarafshan and Amu-Daria Rivers, Chiefly
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'Tibet and the surrounding regions : Compiled from the latest information'
(Scale 1/3, 800, 000), Published by the Royal Geographical Society (1894)
(Walker1894 (GJ, Vol. 4, No. 1 (July, 1894)) 付図)
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(Scale 1/3, 800, 000), Published by the Royal Geographical Society (1900)
"Tibet and the surrounding regions : compiled from the latest information"(Scale
1/3, 800, 000), Published by the Royal Geographical Society (1906)
"The Karakoram"(Scale 1: 750, 000) Royal Geographical Society,
England (1939)
Reproduced by Colour Separation 1978
"The Mount Everest Region"(Scale 1/100, 000) Royal Geographical
Society, England (1961)
*この地図の作成にあたっての解説がHolland & Crone62にあり (この地図はSale2009, Map 42として転載される)
"Mount Everest Region" (Scale 1/100, 000) Royal Geographical
Society, England (1975)
'Sketch Map showing the Routes of the Alai-Pamir Expeditions led by W. Rickmer Rickmers 1913 and 1928' (Scale 1/2, 000, 000)
(Rickmers29 (GJ Vol. 74, No. 3 (September, 1929)), 付図)
(この地図はAJ Vol. 41-No. 239 (November 1929)に転載される)
Rinzin Nimgyl 16m
'Sikkim and Bhutan with Parts of Nepal, Tibet and Adjacent British Territory
showing Rinzin Nimgyl's Exploration in 1885-86', (Scale 1/ 1, 000, 000) Heliozincographed at the Trigometrical Branch
Office, Dehra Dun (1916)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. XX として転載される)
'Karte des Hohen Himalaja in Gurwhal, Kemaoon, Almora; mit den Quellen
des Ganges, Indus, Sutludsch', Entworfen u. bearbeitet von J. L. Grimm,
und herausgegeben von C. Ritter (1832)
(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として収録)
"Karte von Hoch-Asien zu C. Ritter's Erdkunde, Buch II, Asien, Th.
1 & 2." bearbeitet von J. L. Grimm, herausgegeben von C. Ritter
und F. A. O'Etzel., Berlin (1833)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Historical Map CollectionのHP [URL: https://www.davidrumsey.com/
"Das Himalaja Gebirg in Bissahir, Gherwal & Kemaun, vom Südrande
des Plateaus von Mittel-Tibet bis zum Tieflande von Hindostan. Mit besonderer
Rücksicht auf Carl Ritter's Allgemeine Erdkunde, II. Buch, Th.2, S. 493,
auch S. 660 ff." von J. L. Grimm, herausgegeben von C. Ritter und
F. A. O'Etzel., Berlin (1833)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Historical Map CollectionのHP [URL: https://www.davidrumsey.com/
'MAP OF THE PAMIRS and surrounding countries.'
(Scale 1 Inch = 16 Miles.) Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, Qr. Mr. Genl.'s Dept., Simla, 1892-93.
'Map for Kafirs of the Hindu Kush (編註:地図にはタイトルなし)' (Scale 1/1,520,640)
'Route Map of Explorations in Mongolia and Tibet by W. Woodville Rockhill
in 1891-1892' (Scale 1/2, 027, 520)
(Rockhill1894 (GJ Vol. 3, No. 5 (May, 1894)), 付図)
'Kashmir and the Adjoining Countries Showing Lord Ronaldshay's Route' (Scale
1/3, 225, 000)
(Ronaldshay02 付図)
*University of Texas Libraries, Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collectionで公開
[ http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ ]
"Узбекистан" (Scale 1: 500, 000), Роскартография
(2001) (in Russian)
"Киргизия" (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000), Роскартография, Russia (2001)
(in Russian)
'South Western China and Parts of adjacent countries, From recent Indian Government Surveys
(N. E. and S. E. Frontier Sheets - 4miles to 1 inch)', (Scale 1: 2, 000, 000) To illustrate the paper by Captain C. H. D. Ryder,
R. E.
(Ryder03 (GJ Vol. 22, No. 2 (August, 1903) 付図)
'Tibet/ Map showing Explorations by Major C. H. D. Ryder, R. E., D. S.
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Commision. 1904' (Scale 1/2, 500, 000)
(Ryder05 (GJ Vol. 26, No. 4 (October , 1905)) 付図)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
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(1912) (in French)
'Sketch Map showing the River system of Tibet, Asssam & Burma'
(Sandeman1882 (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly
Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 4, No. 5 (May, 1882)) 付図)
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'Map of the Shingshal Mustagh Area' (Scale 1: 253, 440)
(Schomberg 36, 付図)
(Masstab 1:1 000 000)Arved von Schultz, Landeskundliche forschungen in Pamir
L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg. (1915)
TIBET - Francis (Frank) Kingdon WARD (1885-1958) -, An Annotated Bibliography
with a Map of the Area of his Expeditions', Compiled by H. SCHWEINFURTH -MARBY, 1971-1974. (Scale 1:1 000 000)
(Schweinfurth75, 付図)
TIBET - (F. Kingdon WARD) (Eastern sheet)', Compiled in the Department of Geography, South Asia Institute, University
of Heidelberg, GERMANY -1971-1974.
(Schweinfurth75, 付図)
(Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of
Useful Knowledge)
-India X: 'India X'
-India XI: 'India XI'
*David Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
'Map of the Russian & Chinese Frontier - Illustrating the Journey of Semenof to the Tian-Shan Mounts. & Jaxartes & Golubefs Issyk-kul Expedition. -'
(Semenof1861(Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. 31 (1861)), 付図)
'Карта Центральнаго Тян-Шана окрестности оз. Иссык-Куль'
составлена Н. А. Северцовымъ (1873)
(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として収録)
"MAP OF NEPAL (EASTERN SECTION)", Stanford's Geographical Establishment,
London (1928)
"MAP OF NEPAL (WESTERN SECTION)", Stanford's Geographical Establishment, London (1928)
'Aconcagua' (Scale 1/50, 000) Drafting by Jergy Wala & Xavi Llongueras,
Servei General d'Informacio de Muntanya, Sabadell (1986)
(Capellas & Paytubi 87 (AAJ 1987), 付図)
"Karakorum" (Scale 1/600, 000) Servei General d'Informacio de
Muntanya, Sabadell (1995)
'Map illustrating the explorations of Pundit A_K_ in Great Tibet, 1879-1882' (Scale ca. 1/4, 000, 000) H. Sharbau, R. G. S., del., Royal Geographical Society (1885)
(Walker1885 (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly
Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 7, No. 2 (February, 1885))
(この地図はSale2009, Map 39として転載される)
'Pamirs / Qungur Massif from a survey by C. P. Skrine I. C. S. 1922-24' (Scale 1/250, 000) (Skrine25 (GJ Vol. 66, No. 5 (November, 1925)) 付図)
SOI-1/200 ** SOUTHERN ASIA SERIES (Scale 1: 2, 000, 000) Servey of India Offices, Culcutta |
*** | SOI-1/200-NORTH TIBET-45m "NORTH TIBET" 2nd Edition (1945) |
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
SOI-1/100 ** INDIA AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000) Servey of India Office, Culcutta |
*** | SOI-1/100-No.37-18m "Sheet No.37: BADAKSHAN" (1918) SOI-1/100-No.38-28m "Sheet No.38: KABUL" 2nd Edition (1928) SOI-1/100-No.42-18m "Sheet No.42: THE PAMIRS" (1918) SOI-1/100-No.43-16m "Sheet No.43" 2nd Edition (1916) SOI-1/100-No.51-26m "Sheet No.51: YARKAND" 2nd Edition (1926) SOI-1/100-No.52-16m "Sheet No.52: LEH" (1916) (Reprinted 1925) SOI-1/100-No.53-15m "Sheet No.53" (1915) SOI-1/100-No.60-23m "Sheet No.60: KERIYA" (1923) SOI-1/100-No.61-26m "Sheet No.61: THOK JALUNG" 2nd Edition (1926) SOI-1/100-No.62-16m "Sheet No.62" (1916) SOI-1/100-No.62-25m "Sheet No.62: MANASAROWAR" 2nd (Revised) Edition (1925) SOI-1/100-No.69-20m "Sheet No.69: CHARCHAN" (1920) SOI-1/100-No.70-18m "Sheet No.70: THOK DAURAKPA" (1918) SOI-1/100-No.71-25m "Sheet No.71: TING-RI DZONG" 2nd Edition (1925) SOI-1/100-No.72-17m "Sheet No.72: KATMANDU" (1917) SOI-1/100-No.75-20m "Sheet No.75: LOP NOR" (1920) SOI-1/100-No.76-20m "Sheet No.76: ED DZONG" (1920) SOI-1/100-No.77-19m "Sheet No.77: LHASA" (1919) SOI-1/100-No.78-17m "Sheet No.78: DARJEELING" (1917) SOI-1/100-No.80-21m "Sheet No.80: MAKHAI" (1921) SOI-1/100-No.81-20m "Sheet No.81: TRASHI GOMPA" (1920) SOI-1/100-No.82-29m "Sheet No.82: NAMCHA BARWA" 2nd (Revised) Edition (1929) SOI-1/100-No.83-24m "Sheet No.83: DIBRUGARH" (1924) SOI-1/100-No.89-20m "Sheet No.89: SUCHOW" (1920) SOI-1/100-No.90-20m "Sheet No.90: JYEKUNDO" (1920) SOI-1/100-No.91-25m "Sheet No.91: BATANG" (1925) SOI-1/100-No.92-32m "Sheet No.92: BHAMO" (1932) SOI-1/100-No.98-21m "Sheet No.98: LANCHOWFU" (1921) SOI-1/100-No.99-21m "Sheet No.99: TAOCHOW" (1921) SOI-1/100-No.100-22m "Sheet No.100: KIATINGFU" (1922) (Reprinted 1925) SOI-1/100-No.101-25m "Sheet No.101: YÜNNANFU" (1925) |
SOI (Quarter Inch Map) (Scale 1: 253, 440) Servey of India Offices, Culcutta | |
*** | SOI-42D-41m "No. 41. D" (1941) SOI-51D-39m "No. 51. D: RASKAM VALLEY" 1st Edition (1939)(この地図はAJ 2017, p229に転載される) SOI-52B-16m "No. 52. B" Provisional Issue (1916) SOI-52B-28m "No. 52. B: KARGIL" Preliminary Edition (1928) SOI-52B-46m "No. 52. B: KARGIL" 3rd Edition (1946) SOI-52F-25m "No. 52. F: LEH" Provisional Issue 1875, Reprinted 1925 SOI-52F-38m "No. 52. F: LEH" 1st Edition (1938) SOI-52L-24m "No. 52. L: TSOMORIRI" Provisional Issue 1874, Reprinted in 1924 SOI-52L-28m "No. 52. L: TSO MORARI" Preliminary Edition (1928) SOI-52O-23m "No. 52. O: RUDOK" Provisional Issue 1874, Reprinted in 1923 with corrections from extra-departmental information. SOI-52O-28m "No. 52. O: RUDOK" Preliminary Edition (1928) SOI-52P-23m "No. 52. P: TASHIGONG" Provisional Issue 1874, Reprinted in 1923 with corrections from extra-departmental information. SOI-52P-28m "No. 52. P: TASHIGONG" Preliminary Edition (1928) SOI-52P-45m "No. 52. P: TASHIGONG" 1st Edition 1945 March (Reprint of 1928 edition) SOI-53M-23m "No. 53. M: TOLINGMATH" Provisional Issue 1900, Reprinted in 1923 with corrections from extra-departmental information. SOI-53M-30m "No. 53. M: TOLINGMATH" Preliminary Edition (1930) SOI-53M-40m "No. 53. M: TOLINGMATH" 1st Edition (1940) SOI-62A-30m "No. 62. A: GARTOK" (1930) SOI-62B-23m "No. 62. B: NANDA KOT" Provisional Issue 1881, Reprinted in 1923 with corrections from extra-departmental information. SOI-62B-31m "No. 62. B: NANDA KOT" 1st Edition (1931) SOI-62B-43m "No. 62. B: NANDA KOT" 1st Edition (1931) Reprinted 1943 SOI-62F-30m "MANASAROWAR" (1930) SOI-62J-30m "No. 62. J: MAYUM LA" (1930) SOI-62K-29m "No. 62. K: JUMLA" (1929) SOI-71D-31m "No. 71. D: GURKHA" (1931) SOI-71H-31m "No. 71. H: GOSAINKUND" (1931) SOI-71H-55m "No. 71. H: GOSAINKUND" FIRST-EDITION-GSGS (1955) SOI-71L-32m "No. 71. L: TINGRI DZONG" (1932) SOI-71P-29m "No. 71. P: SHEKAR DZONG" (1929) SOI-72I-23m "No. 72. I: MOUNT EVEREST" (1857) Provisional Issue, Reprinted in 1923 with corrections from extra-departmental information. SOI-72I-32m "No. 72. I: MOUNT EVEREST" 1st Edition (1932) SOI-72I-55m "No. 72. I: MOUNT EVEREST" FIRST EDITION-GSGS (1955) SOI-77L-24m "No. 77. L: YAMDROK TSO" (1924) SOI-77L-45m "No. 77. L: YAMDROK TSO" 1st Edition 1945 March (Reprint of 1924 edition) SOI-77P-45m "No. 77. P: TRIGU TSO" 1st Edition 1945 March (Reprint of 1925 edition) SOI-78M-43m "No. 78. M: TOWANG" (1920) Reprinted 1943 with major corrections. SOI-82H-43m "No. 82. H: TSARI" Interim Edition 1940, Reprinted 1943 (without corrections) SOI-82O-42m "No. 82. O" 1st Edition 1916, Reprinted 1942 SOI-82O-43m "No. H-46 R. (No. 82. O): NAMCHA BARWA" Published by War Office (1943) SOI-91C-17m "No. 91. C" (1917) SOI-91C-42m "No. 91. C: NAMKHAZOD" 1st Edition 1917, Reprinted 1942 SOI-91C-43m "No. 91. C: NAMKHAZOD" FIRST EDITION, Published by War Office (1943) SOI-91D-17m "No. 91. D" (1917) SOI-91H-18m "No. 91. H" Preliminary Edition (1918) SOI-91H-25m "No. 91. H: RIMA" (1925) SOI-91H-42m "No. 91. H: RIMA" 1st Edition 1925, Reprinted 1942 with major corrections SOI-91L-42m "No. 91. L: ATUNTZE" (1923) Reprinted 1942 SOI-91L&P-12m "No. 91. L&P (Old No. 21 S. E.)" (1903) Reprinted in 1912 SOI-92M-43m "No. 92. M: CHUNGTIENTING" PROVISIONAL GSGS 4218, Provisional Issues 1917, 1934, Reprinted 1943 with major corrections. |
"Index Chart to the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India (Completed to 1st May 1870)" (Scale 1/6, 082, 340) Compiled under the orders of Col. J. T. Walker,
R. E. F. R. S. Dc. Superintendent Great Trigonometrical Survey of India
at Dehra Doon, August 1870
-Reprinted by The SSPL Prints image collection of MemoryPrints (www.memoryprints.com.),
London (2008)
('Completed to 1st May 1861' 版のヒマラヤ部分が薬師2006, p58-59に転載)
SOI1872m "ROUTES IN NORTHERN INDIA, PUNJAB, KASHMIR, &C.," (4 Sheets) (Scale 16 Miles = 1 inch, or 1/1013760), Compiled under the direction of Major T. G. Montgomerie, R. E., F. R. S., F. R. G. S. & C., Offg. Superintendent Great Trigonometrical Survey of India (1872) |
** | SOI1872m-s1: Sheet No. 1 SOI1872m-s2: Sheet No. 2 SOI1872m-s3: Sheet No. 3 SOI1872m-s4: Sheet No. 4 |
'Map illustrationg the Reports on the Havildar's Route through Afghanistan, Kolab, and Darwaz and the Mullah's Route from Jalalabad to Sarhadd-i-Wakhan 1873-1874', (Scale 1: 1013760) Great Trigonometrical Survey of India (1874?)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 28として転載される)
'THE PROVINCE of ASSAM UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER 1875', (Scale 24 Miles = 1 Inch), Published under the direction of Colonel
H. L. Thuillier C. S. I. F.R. S., Surveyor General of India, Surveyor General's
Office, Calcutta, July 1876/ Republished with additiont and corrections
to 1878 (1878)
'Sketch Map of Territory between Cabul and the Mustagh Pass' (Scale 1:
1,018,760) Survey of India, Dehra Dun (1880)
'Sketch Map illustrating the Explorations of M_ S_ in and around BADAKHSHAN 1878 to 1880' (Scale 1 Inch = 12 Miles) Trigonometrical Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun (1882)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 32として転載される)
'Sheet No. 6 of NORTH EASTERN FRONTIER: Parts of TIBET, SIKKIM and BHUTAN' (Scale 8
Miles = 1inch) Published under the direction of Colonel G. C. DePree, S.C.,
Surveyor General of India (1888)
(Ugyen Gyatso16mとほぼ同じ図)
"Sheet 65: Parts of Districts Almora, Garhwal, Native State of Tehri-Garhwal
(United Provinces) of District Kangra, Native States of Bashahr (Punjab),
and of Hundes or Narikhorsum and Monyul (Tibet)", Published under
the direction of Colonel St. G. C. Gore, R. E., Surveyor General of India,
May (1900)
"Catalogued Tibet and adjacent countries" (Scale 1/2, 500, 000) Survey of India,
Dehra Dun (1914)
(この地図の説明がGJ Vol. 46, No. 4 (October, 1915), p286-288にあり)
SOI 16m
'Upper Basins of the Indus & Sutlej Rivers with the Sources of the Brahmaputra & Karnali Rivers from Route Surveys made by the Pandit Explorers 1867', Compiled from the Original
Materials by Captain T.G. Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.G.S., G. T. Survey of
India (1916?)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. II として転載される)
SOI 17m
"India and adjacent countries" (Scale 1/2,027,520) Survey of
India Office, Calcutta (1917)
SOI 1920s-m
'Combination of 4 maps of Survey of India made in the 1920s which include
southern Tibet and Bhutan'
(編者註: 地図には名称がないため、Sale2009, p207に記載された名称を引用。この地図はSale2009, Map 43として収録)
"Afghanistan - Goverment of India Map: Southern Asia Series -" (Scale 1/2, 000, 000) Survey of India, Calcutta,
Revised edition 2nd (1929)
'No. 42 D/N. W.: Afghanistan, N. W. Frontier Province & Soviet Turkistan'
(Scale 1: 126, 720) Survey of India (1930)
'No. 62A / TIBET, HUNDES or NGARIKHORSUM. GARTOK' (Scale 1: 253, 440) Survey
of India (1930)
"Highlands of Tibet and Surrounding Regions" (Scale 1/2, 500,
000) Surveyor General of India (1936)
"ASSAM" (Scale 1/1,000,000) (Fourth Edition (Reprinted 1944 August)),
Printed at the Survey of India Offices. (P.L.O). (1944)
* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
"SIKKIM" (Scale 1/150,000)(First Edition), Published under the
direction of Dr. Hari Narain, M.Sc., D.Phil., Ph.D., Surveyor General of
India (1974)
'No. 78E/5' (Scale 1: 50, 000) Survey of India (1966)
Sonam Tsetan2000m
"TREKKING MAP OF LADAKH", Compiled and drawn by Sonam Tsetan
'Zebak (Emergency Issue/First Edition)' (Scale 1: 250, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices, Rawalpindi (1962)
"Map of the Boundary between China's Sinkiang and the Contiguous Areas
the Defence of which is under the Actual Control of Pakistan" (Scale
1: 500, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices, Rawalpindi (1966)
'North West Frontier Province (8th Edition)' (Scale 1 : 1, 000, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices, Rawalpindi (1979)
'Gilgit Agency and Jammu & Kashmir (2nd Edition)' (Scale 1 : 1, 000, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices, Rawalpindi (1981?)
'NI-43/NE: Skardu' (Scale 1: 500, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices, Rawalpindi
'NJ-42/SE: Tirich Mir' (Scale 1: 500, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices,
Rawalpindi (1986)
'NJ-43/SE: Khunjerab Pass' (Scale 1: 500, 000) Survey of Pakistan Offices,
Rawalpindi (1986)
"THE HIMALAYA AND TIBET : a view of the Mountain System bounded by
the plains of India, Gobi, China, and the Caspian", Trei. Saunders
'The Northern Face of Mount Everest' (Scale 1/20, 000)
(Spender37 (HJ Vol. 9 (1937) 付図)
'Parts of the Great Karakoram and of the Aghil Mountains' (Scale 1/250,
(Spender38 (HJ Vol. 10 (1938) 付図)
(この地図はAJ Vol. 50-No. 256 (May 1938)にも収録される)
'Carta Topografica del Territorio Visitato Dalla Spedizione Comandata da
S.A.R. Il Duca Di Spoleto, Spedizione Geografica Italiana nel Caracorum
- 1929: Foglio No. 1' (Scale 1: 75, 000) Istituto Geografico Militare (1932)
'Carta Topografica del Territorio Visitato Dalla Spedizione Comandata da S.A.R. Il Duca Di Spoleto, Spedizione Geografica Italiana nel Caracorum - 1929: Foglio No. 2' (Scale 1: 75, 000) Istituto Geografico Militare (1932)
'Carta Topografica del Territorio Visitato Dalla Spedizione Comandata da
S.A.R. Il Duca Di Spoleto, Spedizione Geografica Italiana nel Caracorum
- 1929: Foglio No. 3' (Scale 1: 75, 000) Istituto Geografico Militare (1932)
'K2 - Comandata da S.A.R. Il Duca Di Spoleto, Spedizione Geografica Italiana nel Caracorum-1929' (Scale 1: 25, 000) Istituto Geografico Militare (1932)
"Sikkim Himalaya" (Scale 1/150, 000) Schweizerische Stiftung
fur Alpine Forschungen, Bern (1951)
Reprint ed., SSAF, Switzerland (1981)
"Abi Gamin - Karte der Expedition 1950 -" (Scale 1/150, 000) Schweizerische Stiftung fur Alpine Forschungen, Bern (1951)
"Karakorum" (Scale 1/750, 000) Schweizerische Stiftung fur Alpine
Forschungen, Switzerland (1952)
"Bhutan Himalaya" (Scale 1/500, 000) Published by the Swiss Foundation
for Alpine Research, Zurich, Switzerland (1979?)
(縮小版がMeyer2005, p125に掲載)
"Garwal Himalaya West" (Scale 1/150, 000) Schweizerische Stiftung
fur Alpine Forschungen, Switzerland
(Ausgabe 1985)
"Karakoram" (Scale 1/250, 000) Published by the Swiss Foundation
for Alpine Research, Zurich, Switzerland (1990)
"Mount Everest" (Scale 1/50, 000) Museum of Science, Boston and
Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research, Zurich (1991)
"Garwal Himalaya Ost" (Scale 1/150, 000) Schweizerische Stiftung
fur Alpine Forschungen (1992)
"Janak Himal" (Scale 1: 100, 000) Swiss Foundation for Alpine
Research, Zurich, Switzerland (1996?)
"MOUNT EVEREST - Camp 2 to the Summit via the South Col / Orthophoto Map -" (Scale 1 : 10, 000) Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research, Switzerland
'Hindu Kush - Hindu Raj' (Scale 1: 100, 000), Gezeichnet von Dipl. Ing.
Dr. Albert Stamm (1968)
'Tibet: - A map of part of Tibet including Sikkim, the Chumbi Valley &
Bhutan showing the routes between Darjiling and Lhasa -', Edward Stanford,
Geographer to His Majesty the King, London (1904)
(縮小版がMeyer2005, p51, p87に掲載)
Stanford's Map1857m
"STANFORD'S MAP OF INDIA", Based on the surveys executed by order of the honourable special maps of the surveyor general and other authorities; showing the latest territorial acquisitions of the British Empire and the independent and protected states, railways, canals, &c. (1857)
Stanford's Map04m
"STANFORD'S MAP of the EMPIRES OF CHINA AND JAPAN with the adjacent parts of THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE INDIA, BURMA &c.", (Scale 1 6,969,600) London; Edward Stanford (1904)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
'Map Showing Portions of Chinese Turkestan' (Scale 1: 500, 000)
(Stein02 (GJ Vol. 20, No. 6) 付図)
'Map Showing Portions of Chinese Turkestan', Surveyed under the direction, and with the assistance,
of M. A. Stein, Ph. D. (Scale 1: 760, 000)
(Stein08, 巻末付図)
'Map Showing Portions of Chinese Turkestan and Kansu To illustrate the explorations of Dr. M. Aurel Stein, Indian Archaeological Survey, and his assistants R. B. Lal Singh and R.
S. Ram Singh., 1906-08' (Scale 1: 3, 000, 000)
(Stein11 (GJ Vol. 37, No. 3 (March, 1911)) 付図 I )
'Map Showing portions of Kun - Lun Range, Chinese Turkestan, to illustrate the explorations of Dr. M. Aurel Stein, and his assistants R. B. Lal Singh and R. S. Ram Singh., 1906-08' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Stein11 (GJ Vol. 37, No. 3 (March, 1911)) 付図 II )
'Provisional Sketch Map Showing Portions of Chinese Turkestan, Kansu and Oxus Regions' (Scale 1: 7, 500, 000)
(Stein16 (GJ Vol. 48, No. 3) 付図)
Stein21m-5 (A. Stein "Serindia [Volume V: Maps showing Portions of Chinese Turkestan and Kansu - From Surveys made during the explorations of Sir Aurel Stein 1906-1908 -]" (1921)) |
* | Stein21m-5-3 'Kara-Tash R.' (Scale 1: 235, 440) (Sheet No. 3) Stein21m-5-17 'Schahidulla' (Scale 1: 235, 440) (Sheet No. 17) Stein21m-5-21 'Nissa' (Scale 1: 235, 440) (Sheet No. 21) Stein21m-5-22 'Khitai Dawan' (Scale 1: 235, 440) (Sheet No. 22) Stein21m-5-29 'Zailik' (Scale 1: 235, 440) (Sheet No. 29) |
'Chinese Turkistan and adjacent parts of Central Asia and Kansu' (Scale
1: 6, 000, 000)
(Stein25b (GJ Vol. 65, No. 6 (June, 1925)), 付図)
Stein28m-4 (A. Stein "Innermost Asia [Volume IV: Maps of Chinese Turkestan and Kansu - From Surveys made during the explorations of Sir Aurel Stein, K. C. I. E. 1900-01, 1906-1908, 1913-15 -)" (1928)) |
* | Stein28m-4-A 'Map of Chilas, Darel, and Tangir' (Scale 1: 760, 320) (Map
A) Stein28m-4-2 'Kashgar, Muztagh-Ata' (Scale 1: 500, 000) (Serial No. 2 / Survey of India No. 42 N. E.)(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として転載される) Stein28m-4-9 'Khotan, Sanju' (Scale 1: 500, 000) (Serial No. 9 / Survey of India No. 51 S. E.) Stein28m-4-10 'Kara-Koram, Khitai-Dawan' (Scale 1: 500, 000) (Serial No. 10 / Survey of India No. 52 N. E.) Stein28m-4-11 'Muz-Art' (Scale 1: 500, 000) (Serial No. 11 / Survey of India No. N. K-44) Stein28m-4-14 'Sampula, Chira, Keriya' (Scale 1: 500, 000) (Serial No. 14 / Survey of India No. 60 S. W.) Stein28m-4-15 'Yurung-Kash and Keriya R. Sources' (Scale 1: 500, 000) (Serial No. 15 / Survey of India No. 61 N. W.) |
"Map to illustrate the Narrative of a Journey to the Lakes Rakes Tal
and Manasarowar in Tibet -Reduced from the Original of Lt. H. Strachey"
"Map of KUMAON and BRITISH GURHWAL", Compiled in the Office of
the Surveyor General of India with the latest additions from the Researches
of Captn Hy. Strachey in 1846, & Lt Richd Strachey Engineers in 1849.
Calcutta, April 1850.
'Part of the HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS, to illustrate Captn Strachey's Paper 1851'
(Strachey1851 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.
21 (1851)) 付図)
"East Map of NARI-KHORSUM, including the Eastermost Parts of Ladak and the adjoining districts of
Monyul", (Scale 8 Miles = 1 Inch) Constructed by Captain Henry Strachey,
from his own Surveys and other materials, Simla, March (1851)
"West Map of LADAK, with the adjoining Parts of Balti and of Monyul", (Scale 8 Miles
= 1 Inch) Constructed by Captain Henry Strachey, from his own Surveys and
other materials, Simla, March (1851)
'Map of West Nari, with the adjoming Provinces of the Indian Himalaya, to illustrate Captn. H. Strachey's Memoir on the Physical Geography of Western Tibet.' (Scale 50 miles = 1 Inch)
(Strachey1853 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.
23 (1853)) 付図)
'Map of the mountains on the northern border of Kumaon and of the adjacent
parts of Tibet'
(Strachey1900 (GJ Vol. 15, No. 2 (February, 1900)), 付図)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
"SKETCH MAP TO ILLUSTRATE COLONEL TANNER'S MEMORANDUM ON EXPLORATIONS IN BHUTAN AND TIBET BY R. N. AND P. A. DURING 1885-86" (Scale 1 inch = 12 Miles) Published under the direction of Colonel
H. R. Thuillier, R. E., Surveyor General of India (1887)
(Rinzin Nimgyl16mとほぼ同じ図)
"Lenin peak & Mt. Kurumdy (編者註: 入手地図には名称がないため仮称)"(Scale 1/100, 000) Taskent?, (1999?)
'PART OF KAM in EASTERN TIBET by ERIC TEICHMAN, C. I. E., B. A. ' (Scale 1/1, 000, 000) (Teichman22 (GJ Vol. 59, No. 1 (January, 1922))
'Map of Sikkim and Parts of the Adjacent Territories to illustrate Sir R. Temple's paper'
(Temple1881(Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 3, No. 6 (June, 1881)), 付図)
"Indian Himalaya Trekking Map"(Scale 1/350, 000) terra Quest, Warsaw, Poland
THOMSON'S New General Atlas1817m
"Northern Hindostan", Drawn & Engraved for THOMSON'S New
General Atlas 1817 (No.43)
*David Rumsey Map Collectionで公開 [http://www.davidrumsey.com/maps1120794-28365.html](2021/10閲覧)
'Karte des Reiseweges des Verfassers durch den Kumaon-Himalaya und Sudwest-Tibet'
(Scale 1: 1, 300, 000)
(Tichy37, 巻末地図)
Times Atlas22 "The Times: Survey Atlas of the World", John George Bartholomew, Published by The Times, London (1922) |
** | Times Atlas22m-55 'India & Father India: -Political' (Scale 1: 10,000,000) (Plate 55) Times Atlas22m-56 'India: -North-Western Section' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) (Plate 56) Times Atlas22m-57 'India: -North-Eastern Section' (Scale 1: 4,000,000) (Plate 57) Times Atlas22m-59 'Province of the Lower Ganges' (Scale 1: 2,000,000) (Plate 59) |
*********************************************************************************** |
Times Atlas57m
'CHINA WEST AND TIBET (Plate 23)' (Scale 1: 5, 000, 000) Edited by John Bartholomew, M. C., LL. D., THE GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE (August 1957)
TPC-1/50 - (Scale 1/ 500, 000) Tactical Pilotage Chart (TPC), Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (DMAAC), USA |
** | TPC-1/50-F-6C-81m "China, U.S.S.R." (1981), Edition 3 (Reprinted
by NGA, 2004) TPC-1/50-G-6B-81m "Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, USSR" (1981), Edition 1 TPC-1/50-G-6C-92m "Afghanistan, India, Pakistan" (1992), Edition 3 TPC-1/50-G-7A-68m "Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, U.S.S.R." (1968), Edition 1 TPC-1/50-G-7A-84m "Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, U.S.S.R." (1984), Edition 4 (Reprinted by NIMA, 1997) TPC-1/50-G-7B-90m "China" (1990), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2002) TPC-1/50-G-7C-94m "China" (1994), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) TPC-1/50-G-7D-69m "China, India, Pakistan" (1969), Edition 1 TPC-1/50-G-7D-95m "China, India, Pakistan" (1995), Edition 4 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) TPC-1/50-G-8C-89m "China" (1989), Edition 1 (Reprinted by NIMA, 1998) TPC-1/50-G-8D-89m "China" (1989), Edition 1 (Reprint by NIMA, 2000) TPC-1/50-H-9A-88m "China, India, Nepal" (1988), Edition 4 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2001) TPC-1/50-H-9B-88m "Bhutan, China, India, Nepal" (1988), Edition 4 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2002) TPC-1/50-H-9C-82m "Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal" (1982), Edition 2 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2002) TPC-1/50-H-10A-80m "Bhutan, China, India" (1980), Edition 2 (Reprint by NIMA, 2000) TPC-1/50-H-10B-88m "Burma, India, China" (1988), Edition 2 (Reprint by NIMA, 2000) TPC-1/50-H-10D-84m "Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, India" (1984), Edition 3 (Reprinted by NIMA, 2002) TPC-1/50-H-11A-88m "China" (1988), Edition 4 (Reprinted by NGA, 2005) |
'Map Illustrating the Journey of the Pundit Nain Singh through Great Tibet from Ladakh to Assam'
(Trotter1877 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.
47 (1877)), 付図)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 40として転載される)
'Map of Central Asia to accompany the Paper by Captain H. Trotter R. E., on the Geographical
Results of Sir T. D. Forsyth's Mission to Kashghar, 1873-74 ' (Scale 1: 2, 000, 000)
(Trotter1878 (Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.
48 (1878)), 付図)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 27として転載される)
(この地図は水野2011, 付録地図として転載される)
"Turkestan and the countries between the British and the Russian dominions in Asia"
(Scale 1: 2, 027, 520) mapped on the basis of the surveys made by British
and Russian officers up to 1875, Compiled by G. W. E. Atkinson,
Republished in the Office of the Chief of Engineers U. S. Army (1885)
'Kanjiroba Himal and adjacent areas in the Karnali region of Western Nepal'
(Tyson67 (GJ Vol. 133, No. 3) 付図)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
Ugyen Gyatso16m
'Parts of Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan Showing Lama Ugyen Gyatso's Third Seasons Explorations in Tibet in 1883'
(Scale 12 Miles = 1 Inch), Hellozincographed at the Survey of India, Dehra
Dun (1916)
(この地図はSale2009, Map No. XIX として転載される)
USAF-1/200-CL *(Scale 1/2, 000, 000) U.S. Air Force CLOTH CHART |
** | USAF-1/200-CL304-51m "(CL304) HIMALAYAS" (1951) USAF-1/200-CL305-51m "(CL305) CENTRAL CHINA" (1951) |
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開 [ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在) |
USSR-1/100 *(Scale 1/1, 000, 000) ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ШТАБ, Soviet Union (in Russian) |
** | 1/100-I-43-88m "ИСЛАМАБАД" (1988) 1/100-I-44-87m "РУТОГ" (1987) 1/100-J-42-81m "ДУШАНБЕ" (1981) 1/100-J-43-90m "КАШГАР" (1990) 1/100-J-44-87m "ХОТАН" (1987) 1/100-K-42-69m "ТАШКЕНТ" (1969) 1/100-K-43-86m "АЛМА-АТА" (1986) 1/100-K-44-74m "ПРЖЕВАЛЬСК" (1974) |
** | |
USSR-1/50 *(Scale 1/500, 000) ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ШТАБ, Soviet Union (in Russian) |
** | 1/50-G-45-А-74m "КАТМАНДУ" (1974) 1/50-G-45-Б-71m "ТХИМПХУ" (1971) 1/50-G-46-А-70m "ГУВАХАТИ" (1970) 1/50-H-44-А-87m "ДЕХРАДУН" (1987) 1/50-H-44-Б-79m "ПУРАНГ" (1979) 1/50-H-44-В-87m "БАРЕЛИ" (1987) 1/50-H-44-Г-70m "НЕПАЛГАНДЖ" (1970) 1/50-H-45-А-70m "ВОМПО" (1970) 1/50-H-45-В-70m "ТАДУМ" (1970) 1/50-H-45-Г-70m "ШИГАЦЗЕ" (1970) 1/50-H-46-А-70m "ДАНСЮН" (1970) 1/50-H-46-Б-70m "ЧАНМУГУН" (1970) 1/50-H-46-В-87m "ЛХАСА" (1987) 1/50-H-46-Г-87m "ПАСИГХАТ" (1987) 1/50-H-47-Б-70m "ГАНЬЦЗЫ" (1970) 1/50-H-47-В-71m "ЧАЮЙ" (1971) 1/50-H-47-Г-70m "СЯНСЭН" (1970) 1/50-H-48-А-82m "ЧЭНДУ" (1982) 1/50-I-43-А-86m "СРИНАГАР" (1986) 1/50-I-43-Б-86m "ЛЕХ" (1986) 1/50-I-43-Г-86m "ДАРМСАЛА" (1986) 1/50-I-44-А-86m "ШАЙОК" (1986) 1/50-I-44-Б-79m "оз. МАРКЕМ" (1979) 1/50-I-44-В-86m "РУТОГ" (1986) 1/50-I-44-Г-78m "ЧУНГБА" (1978) 1/50-I-45-В-78m "КЕЗИНГ" (1978) 1/50-I-45-Г-78m "ШЕГАРШАР-ЛУНГ" (1978) 1/50-I-46-А-78m "ТОТОХЭЯЛЬ" (1978) 1/50-I-46-Б-78m "ЦЮЙМАЛАЙ" (1978) 1/50-I-46-В-78m "АМДО" (1978) 1/50-I-46-Г-78m "ЦЗАДО" (1978) 1/50-I-47-А-78m "МАДО" (1978) 1/50-I-47-Б-78m "ТУНДЭ" (1978) 1/50-I-47-В-78m "ЮЙШУ" (1978) 1/50-J-42-Б-89m "ОРДЖОНИКИДЗЕАБАД" (1989) 1/50-J-42-Г-89m "КУЛЯБ" (1989) 1/50-J-43-А-78m "МУРГАБ" (1978) 1/50-J-43-Б-83m "КАШГАР" (1983) 1/50-J-43-В-89m "оз. ЗОРКУЛЬ" (1989) 1/50-J-43-Г-88m "КАРГАЛЫК" (1988) 1/50-J-44-В-85m "ХОТАН" (1985) 1/50-J-44-Г-85m "КЕРИЯ" (1985) 1/50-J-45-В-85m "АЧЧАН" (1985) 1/50-J-45-Г-85m "ДАКЛЫК" (1985) 1/50-J-46-В-86m "ДАУСЫ" (1986) 1/50-K-44-А-88m "ПРЖЕВАЛЬСК" (1988) 1/50-K-44-В-88m "АКСУ" (1988) |
* | |
USSR-1/20 *(Scale 1/200, 000) ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ШТАБ, Soviet Union (in Russian) |
* | 1/20-G-45-3-77m "г. ДЖОМОЛУНГМА"(1977) 1/20-G-45-4-77m "ТАПЛЕДЖУНГ"(1977) 1/20-G-45-5-77m "ЯТУНГ" (1977) 1/20-G-45-6-77m "ТХИМПХУ" (1977) 1/20-G-46-3-89m "НЬЮКМАДОНГ" (1989) 1/20-G-47-4-81m "ЧЖУНДЯНЬ"(1981) 1/20-H-44-3-87m "Гаръярса" (1987) 1/20-H-44-6-76m "г. ДЖАНГ" (1976) 1-20-H-44-8-87m "ДАГБА" (1987) 1/20-H-44-14-87m "ЧАМОЛИ-ГОЛЕШВАР" (1987) 1/20-H-44-15-87m "СОБАЛА" (1987) 1/20-H-44-16-77m "ПУРАНГ" (1977) 1/20-H-44-17-76m "ЛАКЦАНГ" (1976) 1/20-H-44-22-77m "г. САЙПАЛ" (1977) 1/20-H-44-23-77m "МАНГРИ" (1977) 1/20-H-44-24-76m "ЯНДЖАР-ГОМПА" (1976) 1/20-H-44-30-77m "МУКТИНАТХ"(1977) 1/20-H-44-36-57m "ПОКХАРА" (1957) 1/20-H-45-1-76m "пер. САНГЧЕН" (1976) 1/20-H-45-2-76m "ЛАМА-РИНГБО" (1976) 1/20-H-45-9-76m "ШЕРШИК-ГОМПА" (1976) 1/20-H-45-15-76m "оз. ШУРУ" (1976) 1/20-H-45-19-76m "ТАДУМ" (1976) 1/20-H-45-25-77m "ДЖАНГДЖИП" (1977) 1/20-H-45-31-77m "ГУРКХА" (1977) 1/20-H-45-32-77m "ДЖИРОНГ" (1977) 1/20-H-45-33-77m "ТИНГРИ" (1977) 1/20-H-45-36-77m "КАНГМАР" (1977) 1/20-H-46-10-77m "ЛХАРУГО" (1977) 1/20-H-46-13-77m "ЯНБАЦЗИН" (1977) 1/20-H-46-16-77m "ЧАО" (1977) 1/20-H-46-18-77m "ЧУМДО" (1977) 1/20-H-46-19-86m "ЛАНГА" (1986) 1/20-H-46-23-86m "НИСИ" (1986) 1/20-H-46-24-86m "ДЖАМО" (1986) 1/20-H-46-25-86m "НАГАРДЗЕ" (1986) 1/20-H-46-31-86m "ЛОДЖА" (1986) 1/20-H-47-18-78m "КАНДИН" (1978) 1/20-H-47-22-78m "МЕТУКА" (1978) 1/20-H-47-24-78m "ЦЗЯГЭНЬБА" (1978) 1/20-H-47-27-78m "ЯНЬЦЗИН" (1978) 1/20-H-47-31-86m "БАНГГУ" (1986) 1/20-H-47-33-86m "ГАОФЫН" (1986) 1/20-H-48-1-80m "ЦЗИНЬЧУАНЬ" (1980) 1/20-H-48-2-80m "ФЫНЪИЧЖЭНЬ" (1980) 1/20-H-48-7-80m "СЯОЦЗИНЬ" (1980) 1/20-H-48-8-80m "ГУАНЬСЯНЬ" (1980) 1/20-I-43-3-84m "ГИЛГИТ" (1984) 1/20-I-43-4-84m "ШИГАР" (1984) 1/20-I-43-5-85m "БУКМА" (1985) 1/20-I-43-6-86m "БАГШИНЛЫК" (1986) 1/20-I-43-9-84m "РАТТУ" (1984) 1/20-I-43-12-85m "БИАГДАНГ-ДО" (1985) 1/20-I-43-16-84m "ПАХЛГАМ" (1984) 1/20-I-43-17-84m "КАРГИЛЬ" (1984) 1/20-I-43-22-84m "ИСЛАМАБАД" (1984) 1/20-I-43-23-84m "ТОНДИ" (1984) 1-20-I-43-36-84m "НАГАР" (1984) 1/20-I-44-2-84m "ТЯНЬШУЙХАЙ" (1984) 1/20-I-44-3-76m "ЗЕЙЛИККОШ" (1976) 1/20-I-44-5-76m "ЕПАР" (1976) 1/20-I-44-9-76m "оз. ЧАМОРИ" (1976) 1/20-I-44-27-76m "ТОНКАЛАН" (1976) 1/20-I-44-28-76m "АМКАБДЖУР" (1976) 1/20-I-44-31-84m "СИРДЖАГМА" (1984) 1/20-I-45-17-76m "оз. МОНКАЛЬМ" (1976) 1/20-I-45-18-76m "выс. 5928 " (1976) 1/20-I-45-21-76m "пик БОНВАЛО" (1976) 1/20-I-45-23-76m "высота 6100" (1976) 1/20-I-45-24-76m "оз. ЧИБЧАНГ" (1976) 1/20-I-46-17-76m "БЕЛЬСИТ" (1976) 1/20-I-46-20-76m "ВЭНЬЦЮАНЬ" (1976) 1/20-I-46-23-76m "ДУНБУЛЭ" (1976) 1/20-I-46-24-76m "ЧЖИДО" (1976) 1/20-I-46-26-76m "Чжунюкэ" (1976) 1/20-I-46-27-76m "ДАЛАСИНГЭ" (1976) 1/20-I-46-28-76m "Чадан-Сумдо" (1976) 1/20-I-46-29-76m "ТАШИ-ГОМПА" (1976) 1/20-I-46-30-76m "ЦЗАДО" (1976) 1/20-I-47-10-76m "оз. ХАРА-НУР" (1976) 1/20-I-47-14-77m "Енюгоу" (1977) 1/20-J-42-12-87m "ДЖИРГАТАЛЬ" (1987) 1/20-J-42-36-86m "ЗЕБАК" (1986) 1/20-J-43-1-90m "ДАРООТ-КОРГОН" (1990) 1/20-J-43-7-90m "пик КОММУНИЗМА" (1990) 1/20-J-43-16-83m "г. МУЗТАГАТА" (1983) 1/20-J-43-19-90m "ЧАРСЕМ" (1990) 1/20-J-43-25-91m "ШИТХАРВ" (1991) 1/20-J-43-31-80m "МАСТУДЖ" (1980) 1/20-J-43-32-76m " ГУПИС" (1976) 1/20-J-43-33-83m "БАЛТИТ" (1983) 1/20-J-43-34-83m "УПРАНГ" (1983) 1/20-J-43-35-83m "БАЗАРДАРА" (1983) 1/20-J-44-31-84m "ПУРТАШ" (1984) 1/20-J-44-32-84m "КУРУКСАЙ" (1984) 1/20-J-44-33-84m "ЧАКАР" (1984) 1/20-J-45-25-83m "ЯЙЛАК" (1983) 1/20-J-45-34-83m "г. МУЗТАГ" (1983) 1/20-J-46-31-86m "ЛЭШИР" (1986) 1/20-J-46-32-86m "высота 5871" (1986) 1/20-K-44-15-72m "пик ПОБЕДЫ" (1972) 1/20-K-44-21-84m "ЛЯНГАР" (1984) |
* | |
USSR-1/10 *(Scale 1/100, 000) ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ШТАБ, Soviet Union (in Russian) |
* | 1/10-G-46-4-86m "ЦОНА" (1986) 1/10-G-46-6-86m "г. КАНГТО" (1986) 1/10-H-44-40-85m "ГАМСАЛИ" (1985) 1/10-H-44-53-85m "МАРТОЛИ" (1985) 1/10-H-44-66-85m "СОБАЛА" (1985) 1/10-H-46-73-86m "ДОРДЖЭЛИНГ" (1986) 1/10-H-46-82-86m "ДУНГДЖУГ" (1986) 1/10-H-46-83-86m "ПАНГГО" (1986) 1/10-H-46-94-86m "ТЕМО" (1986) 1/10-H-46-95-86m "ВАЛУНГ" (1986) 1/10-H-46-109-86m "НАГАРДЗЕ" (1986) 1/10-H-46-133-86m "ЛУНАНА" (1986) 1/10-H-46-134-86m "НЬИНДЕГЕН-ГОМПА" (1986) 1/10-I-43-6-75m "ЧХАМОНГАРХ" (1975) 1/10-I-43-7-82m "АРАНДУ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-8-82m "АСКОЛИ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-9-82m "пер. МУЗТАГ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-10-82m "г. ЧОГОРИ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-21-82m "БУКМА" (1982) 1/10-I-43-22-82m "г. КОНДУС" (1982) 1/10-I-43-23-82m "г. ТЕРАМ-ГАНГРИ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-29-82m "ДАЛАИН" (1982) 1/10-I-43-30-82m "РАТТУ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-34-82m "ДУНСАМ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-35-82m "ГОНПА" (1982) 1/10-I-43-36-82m "г.МАМОСТОНГКАНГРА" (1982) 1/10-I-43-48-82m "ЧАМСИНГ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-60-82m "ДИСКУ" (1982) 1/10-I-43-69-82m "ШИСПУР" (1982) 1/10-I-43-81-82m "ЧУМКУРМУ" (1982) 1/10-I-44-2-84m "ТАКМАР" (1984) 1/10-I-44-3-84m "АБДУЛГЫЛ" (1984) 1/10-I-44-4-84m "ТАШ" (1984) 1/10-I-44-16-84m "ТЯНЬШУЙХАЙ" (1984) 1/10-I-44-121-84m "ДУТУНГ" (1984) 1/10-J-42-36-85m "ДЖАЙИЛГАН" (1985) 1/10-J-42-48-85m "разв. ПАШИМГАР" (1985) 1/10-J-42-144-85m "ПУРПУНИ" (1985) 1/10-J-43-14-91m "КАШКА-СУУ" (1991) 1/10-J-43-25-85m "мет. ст. АЛТЫН-МАЗАР" (1985) 1/10-J-43-26-85m "пик БЕЛЕУЛИ" (1985) 1/10-J-43-37-86m "пик КОММУНИЗМА" (1986) 1/10-J-43-43-81m "КУЛУК" (1981) 1/10-J-43-55-81m "г. КОНГУР" (1981) 1/10-J-43-67-72m "г. МУЗТАГАТА" (1972) 1/10-J-43-73-85m "ЧАРСЕМ" (1985) 1/10-J-43-97-87m "ВРАНГ" (1987) 1/10-J-43-98-87m "ЗОНГ" (1987) 1/10-J-43-109-87m "ХАНДУД" (1987) 1/10-J-43-113-87m "БАБАГХУНДИ-ЗИАРАТ" (1987) 1/10-J-43-115-88m "КЫЗЫЛХУЛ" (1988) 1/10-J-43-118-81m "ПАХПУДЭ" (1981) 1/10-J-43-121-85m "МАСДЖИД-ЛАШТ" (1985) 1/10-J-43-123-74m "ЯСИН" (1974) 1/10-J-43-125-74m "БИЛХАНЗ" (1974) 1/10-J-43-126-81m "ГУЛМИТ" (1981) 1/10-J-43-127-75m "ШИНГШАЛ" (1975) 1/10-J-43-128-82m "УПРАНГ" (1982) 1/10-J-43-130-81m "БАЗАРДАРА" (1981) 1/10-J-43-137-81m "ШЕРКИЛА" (1981) 1/10-J-43-138-81m "БАЛТИТ" (1981) 1/10-J-43-139-75m "БИТЕРМАЛЬ" (1975) 1/10-J-43-140-88m "г.ШИНГШАЛ" (1988) 1/10-J-43-141-75m "долина ЯНАСУГАТ" (1975) 1/10-J-44-134-82m "СОМГУЛ" (1982) 1/10-J-44-135-82m "ЗНИБО" (1982) 1/10-J-44-136-82m "КАРАНГУТАГ" (1982) 1/10-J-44-137-82m "ТУГМЕН" (1982) 1/10-J-45-110-83m "ТОГРАКУЛАН" (1983) 1/10-J-45-127-83m "г. МУЗТАГ" (1983) 1/10-J-45-139-83m "пер. КАРАМУЛАН" (1983) 1/10-J-46-134-85m "г. ЧОНГ-КАРЛЫКТАГ" (1985) 1/10-J-46-135-85m "высота 5830" (1985) 1/10-K-44-65-91m "пик ПОБЕДЫ" (1991) 1/10-K-44-77-71m "ТАЛАК" (1971) |
* | |
USSR-1/5 *(Scale 1/50, 000) ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ШТАБ, Soviet Union (in Russian) |
* | 1/5-J-42-132-Б-85m "высота 6153" (1985) 1/5-J-42-132-В-85m "КУР" (1985) 1/5-J-42-132-Г-85m "г.НУШАК" (1985) 1/5-J-43-14-Г-84m "(пик ЛЕНИНА ? )" (1984) 1/5-J-43-25-В-86m "пик КОРЖЕНЕВСКОЙ" (1986) 1/5-J-43-37-А-85m "пик КОММУНИЗМА" (1985) 1/5-J-43-73-А-85m "лет. СЕПЕСЬ" (1985) 1/5-J-43-97-Б-86m "ДИЕР" (1986) 1/5-J-43-97-Г-86m "ВРАНГ" (1986) 1/5-J-43-98-А-86m "пик ЭНГЕЛЬСА" (1986) 1/5-J-43-98-В-87m "ЗОНГ" (1987) 1/5-J-43-109-В-87m "ДУГУРГУНТ" (1987) 1/5-J-43-109-Г-86m "ледник КОТГАЗ"(1986) 1/5-J-43-121-А-85m "хр. БОХТОИНАДХАР" (1985) 1/5-J-43-121-Б-85m "УЖНУ" (1985) 1/5-K-44-65-А-82m "(пик ХАН-ТЕНГРИ ? )" (1982) 1/5-K-44-65-В-89m "(пик ПОБЕДЫ ? )" (1989) |
* | |
* | *旧ソ連参謀本部地形図については、現在では機密が解除され一般的に利用可能となっている。 地図記号については、英訳された凡例集がある (TM 30-548 (1958))。 最近ではカラー図版を多用した英文ガイド (East View Cartographic 2005) やアフガニスタン地域について、20万分の1地形図の解説情報の英訳版が出版されている (East View Cartographic 2003)。 |
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
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** | Vandermaelen1827m-55 'Partie de L'Empire Chinois. (Asie, No.55)' Vandermaelen1827m-56 'Partie de La Kalmoukie. (Asie, No.56)' Vandermaelen1827m-57 'Partie de L'Empire Chinois. (Asie, No.57)' Vandermaelen1827m-68 'Partie du Thibet. (Asie, No.68)' Vandermaelen1827m-69 'Partie du Thibet. (Asie, No.69)' Vandermaelen1827m-70 'Partie du Thibet. (Asie, No.70)' Vandermaelen1827m-71 'Partie du Thibet (Asie, No.71)' Vandermaelen1827m-83 'Territoire du Nepaul. (Asie, No.83)' Vandermaelen1827m-84 'Assam et Boutan. (Asie, No.84)' Vandermaelen1827m-85 'Partie de la Chine. (Asie, No.85)' |
*David Rumsey Map Collectionで公開 [ http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/view/all ]******* |
'N. W. Gedeelte van de Sasir-Group', Kara-Korum Expeditie 1922 van Ph.
C. Visser en J. Visser - Hooft (Scale 1:100, 000)
(Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Vol. XLI, No. 4 (July,
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1: 500, 000)
(Visser26 (GJ Vol. 68 No. 6 (December, 1926)) 付図)
"Karte der von den Visser-Expeditionen in den Jahren 1922 und 1929
- '30. - Erforschten Gebiete im Karakorum - und im Aghil - Gebirge -", (Scale 1: 200, 000) Kartographen: Dr. Ph. C. Visser, Khan Afraz
Gul Khan Sahib und Muhammad Akram, Survey of India (1933)
(Visser38, 付図 [Sheet No. II ])
'Survey of new ground made on Dr. Visser's KARAKORAM AND TURKISTAN Expedition 1929-30 by Dr. Visser, Afraz Gul Khan and Muhammed Akram. Reduced
from sheets drawn by the Survey of India 1933' (Scale 1: 500, 000)
(Visser34 (GJ Vol. 84, No. 4 (October, 1934)) 付図)
'Western Part of Karakorum (編者註: 地図には名称がないため仮称)'
(Visser38, 付図 [Sheet No. III ])
'Vorderindien I' (Scale 1 4,300,000) Vorderindien nebst Burman, Assam etc.,
nach Arrowsmith bearbeitet. Glogau, Verlag von C. Flemming (1859)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
'Vorderindien II' (Scale 1 4,300,000) Vorderindien nebst Burman, Assam
etc., nach Arrowsmith bearbeitet. Glogau, Verlag von C. Flemming (1859)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
'The Drainage Areas of the Arun and Tista' (Scale 1: 1, 250, 000)
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Wala & Yoshizawa74m
"THE HINDU KUSH - from end to end -", Jerzy Wala & Ichiro Yoshizawa
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"Saser Muztagh" (Scale 1: 380, 000 ca.) Jerzy Wala, Krakow (?)
*編註:発行年の記載はないが、脚注にTPC G-7D Edition 1961を利用とあるので、1960年代末~70年代の間に発行か?
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"Lunkho" (Scale 1: 60, 000 ca.) Jerzy Wala, Krakow (1968)
"Rejon Noshaq - Kohe Tez, Hendukuse Beland - Strona Polnocno - Zachodnia
-", Jerzy Wala, Wiedza Powszechna, (1971)
"Karakorum" (Scale 1: 250, 000), Jerzy Wala, Klub Wysokogorski,
Krakow (1971)
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"Orographical sketch map of the KARAKORAM"(Scale 1: 250, 000),
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"Pamri Sar" (Scale 1: 60, 000 ca.), Jerzy Wala, Krakow (1987)
"Haramosh: Orographical Sketch Map" (Scale 1/100, 000) Jerzy Wala, Poland (1990)
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1/50, 000) Jerzy Wala, The Climbing Company Ltd, England (1994)
"KONGUR - MUZTAGATA" (Scale 1/250, 000) Prepared by Jerzy Wala,
Krakow, Poland (1994)
"K6 Group: Orographical Sketch Map" (Scale 1/100,000) Jerzy Wala, Krakow, Poland (2004)
"Charakusa Glacier - K6 Group" Jerzy Wala, Krakow, 1st Edition,
Poland (2005)
"SPANTIK - SOSBUN MOUNTAINS" (Scale 1/125, 000) Jerzy Wala, Krakow,
1st Edition, Krakow, Poland (2005)
"Charakusa - Chogolisa Glacier - K6 Group and Chogolisa Group -" (Scale 1/100,000) Jerzy Wala, Krakow, 1st Edition, Krakow, Poland
"Orographical Sketch Map - Central Karakoram RAKAPOSHI-MALUBITING MOUNTAINS" Prepared by Jerzy Wala, Krakow, Poland.
1st Edition 2005
"Nangmah Valley - KARAKORAM Masherbrum Mountains" (Scale 1/50, 000) Jerzy Wala, Krakow, 2st Edition, Poland (2006)
"Orographical Sketch Map HARAMOSH MOUNTAINS" (Scale 1/125, 000) Prepared by Jerzy Wala, Krakow,
1st Edition 2006
"Kashgar Mountains MUZTAGH ATA" (Scale 1/200, 000) Prepared by Jerzy Wala, Krakow, Poland,
Edition 2007
"Central Karakoram HISPAR MUZTAGH"(Scale 1/125, 000) Prepared by Jerzy Wala, Krakow,
1st Edition 2005, Correction 2008
'Mayer Kangri Mountain Group' (Scale 1: 125, 000) Jerzy Wala, Poland
(Majer & Chwola 2009, p58に収録)
"The Latok and Choktoi Mountain Subgroups", Prepared by Jerzy
Wala, Krakow, Poland, 1st Edition (2012)
"Central Karakoram VIRJERAB MUZTAGH", Prepared by Jerzy Wala, Krakow, Poland, 1st Edition
by Jerzy Wala - Krakow, Pokand
1st Edition 2014, Revised 02. 2015
'Lapche Kang massif (編註: 地図には名称がないため仮称)' Jeryz Wala, Poland (2016?)
*AACのWeb PageからPDFファイルをダウンロードできる [ URL: https://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/13201214187/Lapche-Kang-II-East-Spur-and-Southeast-Face-Attempt ][2023.11閲覧]
"Batura Wall and BEKA BRAKAI CHHOK - Orographical Sketch Map" Prepared by JERZY WALA, Krakow, Poland (2017)
"HASSANABAD NALA and its Surroundings - Orographical Sketch Map" (Scale 1/70,000) Elaborated by Jerzy Wala, Edition 2017, Krakow,
Poland (2017)
"Passu Glacier and its Surroundings" Elaborated by Jerzy Wala,
Edition 2017, Krakow, Poland (2017)
1/100,000) Elaborated by Jerzy Wala, 1st Edition, Krakow, Poland (2018)
"KARUN KOH MOUNTAIN GROUP część wschodnia." (Scale 1/100,000)
Elaborated by Jerzy Wala, 1st Edition, Krakow, Poland (2018)
"KARUN KOH MOUNTAIN GROUP część północno-zachodnia." (Scale 1/100,000) Elaborated by Jerzy Wala, 1st Edition, Krakow, Poland (2018)
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Wala & Majer2011m2
"Nyainqentnglha Shan -Tibet / Mountain Group: Nyainqentanglha West. Mountain Subgroup: Samdain Kangsang.", Jerzy Wala, Janusz Majer, Edition 1, Krakow, Poland (2011)
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"Aconcagua" (Scale 1/50, 000) Jergy Wala & Servei General
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* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
"India" J. & C. Walker, Published under the Superintendence
of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), London (1861)
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'Map of the South Eastern Part of Tibet and Adjoining Countries to illustrate the paper by General J. T. Walker,
R. E, C. B.'
(Walker1887 (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 9, No. 6 (June, 1887)) 付図)
'North - Western Bhutan: Map of Journeys by Michael Ward, Dr. F. Jackson and Dr. R. Turner in 1964 & 1965'
(Ward 66 (GJ Vol. 132, No. 4 (December, 1966) 付図)
(この地図はSale2009, Map 44として転載される)
'Preliminary Map of Mount Everest, constructed at the Royal Geographical
Society from photographs and sketches made by members of the 1921 Expedition',
Royal Geographical Society Map Archives
(Ward2003, p56-57に掲載)
'Mt Everest and the Rongbuk glaciers, 1922', Complied from surveys made
by E O Wheeler in 1921, with route and camps of the 1924 expedition added
later by Colonel Strutt., Royal Geographical Society Map Archives
(Ward2003, p77に掲載)
'Map To Illustrate Col. A. S. Waugh's Paper on Mt. Everest & Deodanga',
(Scale 32 Miles to an Inch)
(Waugh1858 ("Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London,
Vol. 2, No. 2 (1857 - 1858)") 付図)
(この地図は、薬師2006, p108-109、Ward2003, 表見返しに転載される)
"Sketch of KUMOAN. Captain WS Webb Surveyor - 1819 (Plate 6)",
Printed at the Survey of India Offices (H. L. O.)
Wegener & Himly1893m
'Tafel II: Dr. Georg Wegener und Karl Himly: Nord-Tibet und Lob-nur-Gebiet nach der Darstellung der allgemeinen Karte des Chinesischen Reichs (Ta
Thsing i thung yü thu), erschienen zu Wu-tshang-fu im Jahr 1863'
( https://www.digizeitschriften.de/dms/toc/?PID=PPN391365657_1893_0028
で公開(2021.10確認 )
"VORDER INDIEN entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. WEILAND.",
Weimar, im Verlag des Geograph. Instituts (1827)
*この地図はDavid Rumsey Map Collectionで公開
[ https://www.davidrumsey.com/home ](2022/7現在)
"Das Chinesische Reich mit seinen Schutzstaaten (den Ländern der Mands
Chu und Mongolen Ost Turkistan und Tübet) und das Kaiserthum Japan",
entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. berichtigt von H. Kiepert.
Weimar im Verlage des geograph Instituts (1852)
* from David Rumsei Collection
'India,' by Edward Weller, for the "Weekly Dispatch Atlas", (c.1859)
'India: The Punjab, Cashmere, & c. ,' by Edward Weller, for the "Weekly
Dispatch Atlas", (1863)
'India: Bengal,' by Edward Weller, for the "Weekly Dispatch Atlas",
'Sikkim and Bhutan with parts of adjacent countries' (Scale 1: 1,000,000) by J. C. White, C. I. E
(White10 (GJ Vol. 35, No. 1 (January, 1910)) 付図)
(この地図はMeyer2005, p127に転載される)
'Map of the Zemu Glacier (Sikkim Himalaya) - German Himalaya Expedition 1931 (Second Bauer Expedition) -' (Scale 1: 33, 333)
(Finsterwalder 35 (HJ Vol. 7 (1935) 付図)
"Map of the Chinese Empire, Compiled from Native & Foreign Authorities",
by S. W. Williams. (1847)
この地図はアメリカ議会図書館のHP [ http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g7820.ct005083 ]で公開されている(2021.10現在)。
'Part of the Karakoram Himalaya including the Chogo Lungma, Alchori, Hoh
Lumba and Sosbon Glaciers' (Scale 1/250,000) Surveyed by the Bullock Workman
Expedition 1903, Published by the Royal Geographical Society
(GJ Vol. 27, No. 2 (1906) 付図)
'Part of Karakoram Himalaya in Baltistan Kashmir including the Chogo Lungma,
Alchori, Hoh Lumba & Sosbon Glaciers' (Scale 1/150,000) surveyed by
the Bullock Workman Expedition in 1903
(Workman, Fanny Bullock & William Hunter Workman "-Ice-bound heights
of the Mustagh", Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1908))
'Map of the NUN-KUN MASSIF and Surrounding Region in SURU KASHMIR Explored by the Bullock Workman
Expedition 1906' (Scale 1/175,000)
(Workman08 (GJ Vol. 31, No. 1 (January, 1908)) 付図)
'Nun-Kun Massif and surrounding Region in Suru Kashimir explored by the Bullock Workman Expedition 1906', (Scale 1: 150, 000) by Dr. W. Hunter Workman
(Workman09 付図)
'The Hispar Glacier and Tributaries in the Karakoram Range - Explored by the Bullock-Workman Expedition 1908'
(Scale 1: 100, 000) Cesare Calciati and Mathias Koncza, London (1910)
(Workman, Fanny Bullock & William Hunter Workman "The Call of the Snowy Hispar", London (1910))
'The Hispar Glacier and Tributaries in the Karakoram Range - Explored by the Bullock-Workman Expedition 1908'
(Scale 1: 150, 000)
(Workman10 (GJ Vol. 35, No. 2 (February, 1910)) 付図)
'The Siachen or Rose Glacier and Tributaries in the Eastern Karakoram - Explored by the Fanny Bullock-Workman Expedition 1912' (Scale 1: 175, 000)
(Workman 14 (GJ Vol. 43, No. 2 (February, 1914)) 付図)
'Map to illustrate the Hushe and Kondus Glacier Systems - Explored by Dr. W. Hunter Workman and Mrs. Bullock Workman 1911 - 1912' (Scale 1: 200, 000)
(Workman, Fanny Bullock & William Hunter Workman "Two Summers
in the Ice Wilds of Eastern Karakoram", T. Fisher Unwin, London (1917))
"Map of Afghaunistan, Caubul, the Punjab, Rajpootana, and the River
Indus. by James Wyld", Published April 4th 1842 by James Wyld Charing
Gross East London.
* Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD) で公開(2023/6現在)
[ https://pahar.in/ ]
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
'ANNAPURNA HIMAL - Compiled & Drawing by Y. YAKUSHI 1966-August. - '
(薬師66, 巻末付図)
'The Pamirs and Adjacent Regions' (Scale 1 inch = 32 miles)
(Younghusband1892 (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly
Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, Vol. 14, No. 4 (April, 1892))
'Map to Illustrate the Paper on Chitral and Adjacent Countries' (Scale
1: 1, 500, 000)
(Younghusband1895 (GJ Vol. 5, No. 5 (May, 1895)) 付図)
'Sketch Map of part of TIBET Showing routhe of the British Expedition to LHASA 1904' (Scale 1: 1, 500, 000)
(Younghusband05 (GJ Vol. 25, No. 5 (May, 1905)) 付図)
'Map to Illustrate Sir Francis Younghusband's paper: The Probrem of the Shaksgam' (Scale 1: 1, 000, 000)
(Younghusband26 (GJ Vol. 68, No. 3 (September, 1926)) 付図)
Zagier & Urruty2006m
"Aconcagua : Trekking - Mountaineering " (Scale 1: 50, 000) Zagier & Urruty Publications, Argentina (2006-2007)
'India, Afghanistan, Belochistan, Burmah, and Siam' by John George Bartholomew
(from "Zell's Descriptive Hand Atlas of the World"[published by T. Ellwood Zell, Philadelphia (1873)])
"Mount Everest, Khumbu Himal, Rolwaling Himal and Khumbakarna Himal - Satellite image map, scale 1: 100, 000", Jan Zurawski, Warszawa, Poland (2004)
●模型 Model
"Mount Everest" (Scale 1/75, 000) Reliorama, Switzerland (1984)
xx | * | xx | ||
+ | 参考文献 References |
* 地図 (日本語、中国語) Maps in Japanese and Chinese |
* 地図 (欧文) Maps in English, Russian and other languages |
+ |
++ | [ ア, サ, タ, ナ, ハ, マ, ヤ, ラ ] | [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ] | ++ |
●参考文献 References |
List of 7000m & 8000m Peaks in the Himalaya |
Copyright by Y. YAMAUTI (2024) |
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